




Brief Introduction:


Chapter 2

In the audience, a nasty (肮脏险恶的) fox kid named Gideon Grey (吉丁·格雷) snickered (嘲笑) to his two friends. “Bunny cop (警察). That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard,” he said.

Back onstage, it was almost as if Judy had heard his remark. “It may seem impossible . . . to small minds (眼界狭窄的人),” she said, pointing at him. “I’m looking at you, Gideon Grey.” Judy snapped her fingers (打响指) and a backdrop (背景幕布) showing a bright city skyline unrolled (展开) behind her. “But just two hundred and eleven miles away stands the great city of ... ZOOTOPIA (动物城)! Where our ancestors (祖先) first joined together in peace. And declared that Anyone Can Be Anything (每个人都有无限可能)! Thank you and good night!”

Judy proudly bowed, as if she had just given the performance of her life. Dutiful applause (热烈的掌声) came from the audience, including her parents, Bonnie (邦妮) and Stu Hopps (斯图·霍普斯).

Moments later, Judy, still wearing her police costume, excitedly exited the barn with her parents. Outside, the Carrot Days Festival was in full swing (高潮) as everyone enjoyed booths (摊位) , games, and rides.

“Judy, ever wonder how your mom and me got to be so darn happy?” Stu asked.

“Nope,” Judy answered.

“Well, I’ll tell ya how,” Stu continued, as if he hadn’t heard Judy. “We gave up on our dreams and we settled (安顿), right, Bon?”

“Oh yes,” Bonnie agreed. “That’s right, Stu. We settled hard.”

“See, that’s the beauty of complacency (满足), Jude. If you don’t try anything new, you’ll never fail,” Stu said.

“I like trying, actually,” Judy said.

Bonnie looked at their daughter. “What your father means, hon ... it’s gonna be difficult—impossible, even—for you to become a police officer.”

“There’s never been a bunny cop,” Stu said.

“I guess I’ll have to be the first one!” said Judy as she parkoured (跑酷) against a fence (栅栏). “Because I’m gonna make the world a better place.”

“Or ... heck, you wanna talk about making the world a better place—no better way to do it than becoming a carrot farmer,” said Stu.

“Yes! Your dad and me and your two hundred seventy-five brothers and sisters—we’re changing the world one carrot at a time,” said Bonnie.

“Amen (阿门) to that. Carrot farming is a noble (高尚的) profession (职业),” Stu agreed.

But Judy stopped paying attention to (注意) her parents when she spotted Gideon Grey following some little kids. She was instantly alert (警觉的), and she went after him.

“You get it, honey?” Bonnie asked Judy. “I mean, it’s great to have dreams.”

“Yeah, just as long as you don’t believe in them too much,” Stu continued as he looked around for his daughter. “Jude? Where the heck (到底) did she go?”

  • 康桥溪月里的芦苇

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  • 影子_0rt

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    枫摆烂了耶 回复 @8a02lersbgixhhsd7y6v: 别说脏话好不好?

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