




Brief Introduction:


Chapter 1

The wild sounds of ancient predators (食肉动物) echoed through a large barn in Bunnyburrow (兔窝镇). A young bunny named Judy Hopps (朱迪·霍普斯) appeared on a makeshift (临时的) stage, trying to find her way through a papier-mâché (混凝纸) and cardboard (硬纸板) jungle.

Judy’s voice rang out loud and clear. “Fear. Treachery (背叛). Bloodlust (杀戮)! Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world. A world where prey (食草动物) were scared of predators. And predators had an uncontrollable desire to (对…有无法遏制的欲望) maim (捕猎) and maul (残杀) and—”

Suddenly, a jaguar (猎豹) leapt on her from the shadows!

“Blood, blood, blood!” Judy screamed (尖叫) as she crumpled (被压倒) under the attack. “And death.”

After a long and drawn-out (持续很久的) moment of terrible silence, Judy sat up, faced the confused audience, and smiled as she continued her monologue (独白). A banner reading CARROT DAYS TALENT SHOW hung over the stunned (震惊的) crowd.

“Back then, the world was divided in two: vicious (凶残的) predator or meek (温顺的) prey.” Two cardboard boxes dropped down from the ceiling. The first, labeled VICIOUS PREDATOR in crayon (彩色蜡笔,彩色粉笔), landed on top of the jaguar, and the second, labeled MEEK PREY, landed on Judy. The boxes settled (放置) on their shoulders so their heads, arms, and legs stuck out. “But over time, we evolved (进化) and moved beyond our primitive (原始的), savage (野蛮的) ways.”

A young sheep wearing a white robe (袍子) and a cardboard rainbow on his head did an improvisational (即兴的) dance across the stage. Judy and the jaguar burst out of their boxes, now wearing white robes, too. “Now predator and prey live in harmony (和睦).”

Judy and the jaguar, revealed as another friendly youngster, shook hands as the sheep sprinkled (撒) glitter (彩带) on them. “And every young mammal (哺乳动物) has multitudinous (无限的) opportunities,” Judy said.

“Yeah. I don’t have to cower (畏缩) in a herd anymore,” said the sheep. Then he ripped off (撕开) his robe, revealing (露出) a homemade astronaut costume. “Instead, I can be an astronaut.”

“I don’t have to grow up to be a lonely hunter,” said the jaguar, showing a business suit under his robe. “Today I can hunt for tax exemptions (偷税). I’m going to be an actuary (税务官)!”

“And no longer do I have to blindly serve the almighty carrot,” said Judy. “I can make the world a better place—saving lives, defending the defenseless (无助者)! I am going to be …” Judy ripped off her robe and stood in a blue uniform. “A police officer!”

  • 邓丽娟88


    布谷学习 回复 @邓丽娟88: 您好,每周一,喜马拉雅官方服务号【喜马拉雅亲子儿童】会给上上周购买专辑的用户发送私信,私信可以在手机端【(右下角)账号---(右上角小信封标志)消息中心】找到。收到私信后,按照提示填写收货信息就好啦,我们会安排寄书~

  • 童声童梦


  • mike386


    杨丽_j9h 回复 @mike386: 就你说服务不好😡😡😡

  • 听友213918218


    宋华姣 回复 @听友213918218: 听不惯就别听

  • 娜拉丽娅


  • 穿越111


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  • 汪明_jt


    立刻假期 回复 @汪明_jt: 不晓得我也想知道

  • 乐绿沙


  • lucusnina


    布谷学习 回复 @lucusnina: 喜欢就好呢
