



Wreck-It Ralph

Brief Introduction:


Chapter 2

“Nice share,” the Bad-Anon leader said as Ralph finished his story. “As fellow Bad Guys, we’ve all felt what you’re feeling. And we’ve come to terms with (接受) it.”

Ralph glanced around (环顾) the room at the other video game Bad Guys. There was Zombie (僵尸), whose clothes (and skin) always seemed to be falling off ... Cyborg (金身机械人), part man and part machine ... Satine (萨汀), with red skin, purple cape (披风), and horns (角) ... and all kinds of other characters, big, small, scary (可怕的), and not-so-scary. Every single one of them was nodding sympathetically (同情地).

“Really?” Ralph asked.

A huge, barrel-chested (胸部发达的) Russian wrestler (摔跤手) raised his hand. “I am Bad Guy,” he announced in a heavy accent (浓重的口音). “I relate to (能够理解并同情) you, Ralph.” He shrugged (耸肩). “I say to myself, ‘You are Bad Guy. But that does not mean you are bad guy.’”

Everyone in the room applauded (鼓掌).

“Right,” Ralph mumbled (嘟哝) uncertainly. “But, uh, you lost me there (我没听懂你说的话).”

Zombie tried to explain. “Labels (标签) not make you happy— ‘good,’ ‘bad’—you must love you,” he groaned (呻吟着说).

“Yeah, inside here,” Cyborg agreed as he reached into Zombie’s chest and ripped out (扯出来) his heart.

“Whoa!” Ralph shouted a little too loudly, cringing (畏缩) at the sight of a dripping (血淋淋的) heart. Zombie wasn’t hurt, of course. He just happened to be the sort of Bad Guy character whose heart could be ripped out. But Ralph found the whole display (指场景) a little unsettling (令人不安的).

The Bad-Anon leader attempted to refocus (重新聚焦于) the discussion. “Question, Ralph: we’ve been asking you to Bad-Anon for years now, and tonight you finally show up. Why is that?”

“I dunno (don’t know),” Ralph said, staring at the floor. “I just felt like coming. I suppose it has something to do with the fact that, well, today is the thirtieth anniversary (三十周年纪念日) of my game.”

“Happy anniversary, Ralph!” Satine exclaimed. “Thanks, Satine,” Ralph replied with a nod. “But it’s no big deal.”

“No, Ralph—thirty years?” the Bad-Anon leader said, sounding a little surprised. “Not many games can claim (声称) that.”

Zombie growled (低声咆哮着说), “Zombie so jealous (羡慕的)!”

“Jealous? Of what?” Ralph asked. “It’s not like I’ve got anything to show (炫耀) for it.”

The Russian wrestler disagreed. “Ralph, this not true. You, my friend, are really good Bad Guy!”

“But here’s the thing (事情是这样的),” Ralph said. “I don’t want to be the Bad Guy anymore.”

Every Bad Guy in the room gasped (倒吸气). “Good heavens!” Satine exclaimed.

“You can’t mess with (乱来) the program, Ralph!” Cyborg warned. “You’re not going Turbo (涡轮,一个邪恶的游戏人物), are you?”

“Turbo? No, I’m not going Turbo,” Ralph replied hastily (匆忙地). Even he knew that some kinds of behavior (行为) would never be acceptable (可接受的). And going Turbo ... well, that was one of them. Chaos (混乱) and disaster were sure to follow. But was the situation really that serious?

“Come on, guys,” Ralph continued. “Is it Turbo to want something better for your life?”

“Yes!” everyone replied together.

“Ralph,” the group leader said in a soothing (慰藉的) tone, “we can’t change who we are, and the sooner we accept that, the better off (更好) your game and your life will be. Now let’s close out with (以…结束) the Bad Guy Affirmation (“坏人宣言”).”

Together the group stood up, shut their eyes, and held hands. “I am Bad,” they recited (背诵) in unison. “And that’s good. I will never be Good. And that’s not bad. There’s no one I’d rather be than me (我不想做任何人,只想做我自己).”

Ralph, however, stood with his eyes open and his mouth closed. He didn’t believe a word of it.

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    听到你的 放哪

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