



Pirates of the Caribbean
The Curse of the Black Pearl

Brief Introduction:


Chapter 2

Captain Norrington reacted (作出反应) quickly. “Man overboard (人员落水)!” he shouted.

But Elizabeth could see that it wasn’t a man. “Boy overboard!” she added, recognizing the person in the water to be someone about her own age (和她同龄).

“Fetch (取来) a boat hook (钩头篙) and haul (拉) him out of there!” Captain Norrington ordered the men on deck. Elizabeth watched the crew of the Dauntless swing the boat hooks and snag (抓住) the limp (无生气的) body as it passed the ship.

Governor Swann (斯旺总督) helped Captain Norrington drag the boy aboard as Elizabeth moved in for a closer look.

“He’s still breathing!” declared Norrington, his ear down by the boy’s mouth.

“But where did he come from?” asked Governor Swann.

The men of the Dauntless stood silent. The eyes of every crewman were searching the sea for an answer when Gibbs suddenly gasped (倒抽气). “Mary, mother of God (圣母玛利亚)!”

Looking out on the water, Elizabeth could now see the wreckage (残骸) of a ship, along with the bodies of its crew. Then, slowly emerging from (自…出现) the fog came the charred (烧焦的) and burning hull (船体) of the doomed (劫数难逃的) ship itself.

Captain Norrington, fearing it was all the work of pirates (全是海盗干的), quickly ordered his men to prepare for battle (作战). “Move the boy aft (到船尾)!” he shouted. “We need to clear the deck!”

Governor Swann pried (撬开) Elizabeth’s hand from the ship’s rail and moved her away from the terrible sight. “He’s in your charge,” he said grimly (严肃地) to her as two sailors moved the boy’s body behind the ship’s wheel (船尾舵). “You’ll watch over (看守) him.”

Elizabeth nodded to her father. She went and knelt (跪下) beside the boy as her father hurried away. She brushed his hair gently away from his forehead. The boy’s eyes fluttered (眼皮颤动) open.

“My name is Elizabeth Swann,” she told him, taking his hand in hers.

“Will Turner (威尔·特纳),” whispered the boy.

“I’m watching over you,” she said, trying to comfort (安慰) him, but the boy slipped back into unconsciousness (失去知觉).

The boy’s movements had opened the collar (衣领) of his shirt, and Elizabeth saw that he was wearing a gold chain (链子) with a medallion (圆形金属挂坠,这里指用于诅咒的金币). She tugged (用力拉) it free from his neck and turned it over in her hand, hoping it might provide her with a clue (线索) to his identity (身份). To her amazement (令她惊讶的是), there, etched (蚀刻) into the metal, was a skull (头骨,此处指骷髅头) and crossbones (交叉的股骨图形)!

“Why, you’re a pirate!” she whispered.

Elizabeth quickly hid the medallion under her coat as Captain Norrington passed by (经过).

“Did he speak?” he asked, standing over (监视) Will’s body.

“His name is Will Turner,” she replied. “That’s all I found out.”

“Very good,” said Captain Norrington, and moved on.

When Elizabeth felt sure the captain would not return, she took the gold medallion from her coat to give it one more look. But a sight that left her too frightened (害怕的) to move or cry out (呼喊) suddenly claimed all her attention. Through the fog came a tall ship with great black sails. From its topmost (最高的) mast (桅杆) it flew a flag—a skull and crossbones! And as the ship slipped back into the fog to escape the cannon (加农炮) fire of the Dauntless, the skull on the pirate flag seemed to turn toward Elizabeth and smile.

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