加勒比海盗-黑珍珠号的诅咒07:铁匠威尔 VS. 海盗杰克




Pirates of the Caribbean
The Curse of the Black Pearl

Brief Introduction:


Chapter 7

Will jumped back and came face to face with Jack Sparrow, who now had his sword leveled (瞄准) at Will’s chest. Will looked him over from head to toe (从头到脚). “Why, you’re the one they’re hunting,” he said, glaring (怒目而视) at Jack. “The pirate!” Will grabbed a sword lying next to the furnace and pointed it at Jack.

“Do you think this is wise, boy? Crossing swords (交锋) with a pirate?” asked Jack. He was unhappy to see Will answer the question by raising his sword in attack.

Will and Jack thrust (用力刺向) and cut at each other with lightning speed (以闪电般的速度). “You know what you’re doing, I’ll give you that,” said Jack as the two circled (环绕…移动) each other, Will keeping up with (跟上) every move Jack made.

Jack moved until the door of the forge was at his back. Then, to Will’s surprise, the pirate turned and made a run for (向…跑去) it. Will reacted in an instant and threw his sword at Jack’s back.

The sword flew over Jack’s head and buried itself deep in the planks (厚木板) of the door. Jack pulled on the latch (门闩), but it was no good. The sword was in the way.

Will thought he had his opponent (对手) trapped. But Jack Sparrow always had another plan in his pocket. Slowly, he turned to Will and smiled.

Jack was now eyeing (定睛看) the back door of the blacksmith’s shop. “That’s a good trick (技法). Except, once again, you are between me and the way out,” he said, pointing his sword at the back door. “And now,” he added confidently, “you have no weapon (武器)!” 

Will simply took another sword from the rack (支架) and began to attack.

As Jack parried (闪开), he looked around and noticed that the shop was filled with (放满) weapons. “Who makes all these?” he asked.

“I do,” Will answered as their swords clashed (发出撞击声) and rang (鸣响) again. “And I practice with them three hours a day!”

“You need to find yourself a girl ... or maybe the reason you practice three hours a day is you’ve found one but can’t get her?” Jack teased (取笑).

“I practice three hours a day so when I meet a pirate, I can kill him!” Will answered angrily, and pushed his sword against Jack until the pirate’s back was against the wall.

Jack swung the chain on his wrist around Will’s sword and tried to pull it free. But Will was quick. He twisted (旋转) the point (尖) of his sword through a link (环) and stabbed (刺入) it into the ceiling, leaving Jack hanging by his manacled (带着镣铐的) wrist.

Jack kept fighting with one hand as he hung from the ceiling. He twisted around and compressed (压紧) the furnace bellows (风箱) with his foot. A shower of (一大批) sparks (火花) flew into the air and hit Will in the face. Will stepped back and covered his eyes. Jack used his full weight to yank (猛拉) the sword free from the ceiling. Then, dropping to the floor, he grabbed a mallet (大锤) and hurled (用力掷) it at Will, smashing (重击) the boy’s wrist. Will dropped his sword and fell.

When he got up, Jack’s pistol was aimed right between his eyes.

“You cheated!” Will shouted. Jack raised his eyebrows and smiled, as if to say, What do you expect from a pirate?

“You’re lucky, boy,” Jack told him, and motioned (打手势) him away from the door. “This shot’s not meant for you.” Jack was moving to make his escape when Mr. Brown suddenly came out from a corner and slammed his bottle against Jack’s skull.

Jack crumpled (倒下) to the floor as the doors of the forge flew open and armed (武装的) sailors rushed into the room. Commodore Norrington pushed his way to the front of the crowd. “Excellent work, Mr. Brown,” said Norrington, standing over Jack. “I believe you will always remember this as the day Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped!”

As Norrington’s men hauled (拖) Jack away, Mr. Brown looked at the broken glass on the floor and sadly said, “That rotter (无赖) broke my bottle!”

  • 天机织梦玄月魂


  • 白日梦少女Y夜


  • 1519991kdhl


  • 苗倬润

    Gentlemen lady you will remember this day as the day you will almost catch Captain Jack sparrow !
