12月7日双语:华为孟晚舟在加国被捕 大使馆要求恢复其自由

12月7日双语:华为孟晚舟在加国被捕 大使馆要求恢复其自由


Possum looks like Pikachu

A rare brushtail possum has gone viral on social media, thanks to her uncanny resemblance to a popular Pokemon character. The baby orphan possum was recently brought into a vet clinic and has since been nicknamed Pikachu for her similarity to the famous animated rodent-like creature.

"We recently had a very special possum brought in to the clinic," Boronia Veterinary Clinic and posted on its Facebook page. "The golden color occurs due to a mutation which causes a low level of the pigment melanin. They are so rare in the wild as although their bright color makes them look special to us, they also stand out to predators!

Luckily for this baby brushtail, she's gone to carers to be raised and then will end up in a wildlife sanctuary." The photo of the adorable marsupial has since attracted more than 1,300 shares and sparked hundreds of comments on Facebook.

Women destroying makeup

Many South Korean women are destroying cosmetics and cutting their hair short to fight back against unrealistic beauty ideals in what is being dubbed the "escape corset" movement. In posts across Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms, women have been denouncing the use of cosmetics and a culture that pressures as many as one in three women to undergo some form of plastic surgery.

Beauty regimens commonly require women to spend hours applying makeup each day – often involving waking up two hours before work to do so or carrying out lengthy skincare routines that involve 10 steps or more at the end of each day. The "escape corset" movement is the latest development in the Asian country's exploding feminist movement in the age of #MeToo, in a country that was ranked a poor 116 out of 144 countries on gender equality by the World Economic Forum.

The women abandoning demanding cosmetic regimens call themselves "beauty resisters" and are part of a broader pushback against South Korea's highly patriarchal society which places a huge emphasis on a woman's appearance as being key to success in life.

State funeral for Bush held

In laughter and tears, the US held a state funeral Wednesday for the 41st president George H.W. Bush, who has been widely mourned and praised as a good leader and a devoted person with a "gentle soul" and great sense of humor during his 94-year lifetime. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump, four living former US presidents, together with dignitaries from across the country and foreign leaders attended the state funeral at the Washington National Cathedral.

Delivering the final eulogy at the funeral emotionally, the 41st president's son, former president George W. Bush, said his late father was "a great and noble man. The best father a son or daughter could have." George H.W. Bush passed away on Friday at his home.

Following the funeral service, Bush's remains will be flown back to Houston later on Wednesday to lie in repose at St. Martin's Episcopal Church before burial Thursday at his family plot behind the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. He will be buried alongside his wife Barbara Bush who died seven months ago, and Robin Bush, the daughter the couple lost to leukemia in 1953 at the age of 3.

Embassy protests arrest

The Chinese embassy in Canada on Thursday voiced its "firm opposition" to the reported arrest of Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of China's Huawei Technologies, in Canada. The Canadian police, at the request of the US, arrested a Chinese citizen who did not violate any US or Canadian laws, the embassy said in a statement posted on its official website. "The Chinese side expressed firm opposition and strong protest against such gross violations of human rights," it said.

"The Chinese side has made solemn representations to the United States and Canada, demanding that they immediately correct the wrongdoing and restore the personal freedom of Ms. Meng Wanzhou." The embassy will pay close attention to the development of the case and take every action to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens, according to the statement.


Canadian authorities said on Wednesday that they have arrested Meng for possible extradition to the US, The Associated Press reported. It cited Canada's Justice Department spokesman Ian McLeod as saying Meng was detained in Vancouver on Saturday.

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    Hellohellovivian 回复 @学习文化人: Are you sure.

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