12月3日 双语:冬日恋爱夏日脱身是病!

12月3日 双语:冬日恋爱夏日脱身是病!


Seasonal dating disorders

We are now knee-deep in "cuffing season", whereby single men and women search far and wide for a companion to keep them warm during the chilly months. Cuffing season is the term used to describe the period during autumn and winter months in which avid singletons find themselves seeking to be "cuffed" or "tied down" by a serious relationship.

According to the "Urban Dictionary", the cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed. However, come summer, said singletons are ready to abandon their adult sleepover buddy. This pattern is more than a simple by-product of fickle millennial dating culture, it's a common trend that's been labeled "Seasonal Dating Disorder".


"Singles who display this type of dating pattern are unable to commit," said relationships psychologist Madeleine Mason. "They use summer fun and friends as an excuse for this pattern, but in reality it is because they are unable to form lasting romantic bonds," she added.

Mirror focuses on flaws

A new smart mirror is being unveiled that has an in-built camera and tells you how many wrinkles, pores and red spots you have, as well as analyzing your skin's brightness and firmness.

The HiMirror Plus+, which costs an eye-watering £319, is a clever new voice-activated mirror that provides users with personalized skin health analysis and tailored beauty advice. So how does it work?
这款新型智能声控镜子名为HiMirror Plus+,能为使用者提供个性化的皮肤健康状态分析以及量身打造的美容建议,售价高达319英镑。那么这款镜子是如何工作的呢?

You take a makeup-free photo using its camera and it can analyzes dark spots, red spots, dark eye circles, wrinkles, pores, fine lines, and other complexion elements. From these, it creates a personalized Skin Index Synthesis report, which reports on skin firmness, brightness, texture, clarity, and overall healthiness.

After it's analyzed your skin, it then develops a custom-built skincare routine and recommends products that will address your specific needs.

Surgery turns eyes blue

A company from California, the US, has introduced a new medical procedure, which can turn brown eyes blue. The laser procedure works by eliminating the melanin from the surface of the iris, which then allows light to enter and scatter in the stroma.

The effect is similar to Rayleigh scattering, in which wavelengths of sunlight hit much smaller molecules in the air and then scatter, which makes the atmosphere appear blue. The laser treatment disrupts the fragile layer of pigment on the iris, which causes the body to start removing the tissue naturally.

While the procedure itself only takes around 20 seconds, the blue eyes do not emerge for several weeks, as the body can only gradually release the pigment. Stroma Medical is currently in the fundraising stage as it searches for investors, but hopes to have completed clinical trials within a few years. Currently, the price to change brown eyes blue stands at a relatively high amount of $5,000.

Bread made from crickets

A Finnish bakery has launched what it claims to be the world's first insect-based bread to be offered to consumers in stores. The bread, made using flour ground from dried crickets as well as wheat flour and seeds, has more protein than normal wheat bread.

Each loaf contains about 70 crickets and costs 3.99 euros, compared with 2-3 euros for a regular wheat loaf. Juhani Sibakov, the head of innovation at the bakery firm Fazer, said that Fazer developed the bread last summer but had to wait for legislation to be passed in Finland for the launch.

Finland, in last November, joined five other European countries - Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Denmark - in allowing insects to be raised and marketed for food use.

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  • LEOL_se


    螺旋的YOLO 回复 @LEOL_se: 点赞👍我跟你一样先听三遍,但我还会自己出声读两遍,顺便跟小姐姐练练语感。想不花费时间精力就有提高?不存在的。

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  • Bzinga1Sherlock


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