


1. 中英文逐句转述 


Many people like traveling at will, but very few of them actually do it.


How come ?


Most of them say that they don’t have enough time or money.


But this is not always the case.


What they truly need is not money or time but the mindset of a real traveler.  


My friend Kevin is a real traveler.


He often travels without caring about the destination.


He went on an excursion recently, but the trip took much longer than he had expected.

上周他登上了一辆巴士之后,就告诉售票员他要去Woodford Green公园,但是他不知道具体在哪。

Having got on a bus last week, he told the conductor that he would go to Woodford Green, but he didn’t know its exact location.


The conductor promised to tell him where to get off.


Sure that he wouldn’t miss the destination, Kevin sat in the front of the bus to enjoy a good view of the countryside.


The picturesque villages swept him away and he totally lost track of (the) time. 


After some time, the bus pulled over and Kevin was astonished that he was the only passenger left on the bus.


The conductor told Kevin to get off there, because that was as far as the bus could go.

【注意as far as ....:If you have enough time, you can go as far as you want to】

当Kevin问她说是否到了Woodford Green,售票员才惊讶地意识到她忘了让Kevin下车了。

When Kevin asked her whether it was Woodford Green, the conductor realized with a shock that she had forgotten to put Kevin off.


But Kevin was not mad at all, saying that it didn’t matter and he would get off there.


However , after knowing that the bus was going back immediately, Kevin changed his mind and chose to stay on the bus.


In the end, he enjoyed a comfortable ride all the way back to where he got on the bus.  


Some people might see Kevin as a lousy traveller without a plan. But I don’t think so at all.


He is a person who knows the true meaning of travel.


Travelling is all about the experience rather than the destination.  

2. 全英文转述 

Many people like traveling at will, but very few of them actually do it.

How come ?

Most of them say that they don’t have enough time or money. But this is not always the case. What they truly need is not money or time but the mindset of a real traveler.  My friend Kevin is a real traveler.

He often travels without caring about the destination. He went on an excursion recently, but the trip took much longer than he had expected. Having got on a bus last week, he told the conductor that he would go to Woodford Green, but he didn’t know its exact location. The conductor promised to tell him where to get off.

Sure that he wouldn’t miss the destination, Kevin sat in the front of the bus to enjoy a good view of the countryside. The picturesque villages swept him away and he totally lost track of (the) time. After some time, the bus pulled over and Kevin was astonished that he was the only passenger left on the bus. The conductor told Kevin to get off there, because that was as far as the bus could go.

When Kevin asked her whether it was Woodford Green, the conductor realized with a shock that she had forgotten to put Kevin off. But Kevin was not mad at all, saying that it didn’t matter and he would get off there. However, after knowing that the bus was going back immediately, Kevin changed his mind and chose to stay on the bus.

In the end, he enjoyed a comfortable ride all the way back to where he got on the bus. Some people might see Kevin as a lousy traveller without a plan. But I don’t think so at all. He is a person who knows the true meaning of travel.

Travelling is all about the experience rather than the destination.  

3. 文化点评  旅行的真正意义是什么?

我和大家分享几句我最喜欢的关于旅行意义的三段名言:I would like to share some inspirational Quotes about travel

1)Robert Louis Stevenson: 

“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.”

2)Terry Pratchett:

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”

3)H. Jackson Brown:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines(帆索). Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds(信风)in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

  • 世染晨光Leo

    你累积了许多飞行, 你用心挑选纪念品, 你收集了地图上每一次的风和日丽, 对不同的人来说,同样的旅行路线却有不同的意义。

    刘东欣_英文本色 回复 @世染晨光Leo: Well said!

  • 水沐青漪


    刘东欣_英文本色 回复 @水沐青漪: 喜欢大家喜欢,畅游语言和文化,顺便学好英语

  • 魏大双


    刘东欣_英文本色 回复 @魏大双: 很高兴你有收获,转述是对于前面学习的综合输出训练

  • lin栀子花开

  • MY912


  • dirmirt

    however ,after knowing that the bus was going to back immediately.这句为什么没有to ,be going to不是表示即将做某事吗

  • 1398333bhdc


  • Liam_Liao


  • ccuicui


  • 幸运兔斯基卫星

