2册-053.1 |【词汇脱口秀】如何讲述奇闻轶事:奇异火灾



1. hotadj.

口语中,Hot 都有哪些常见意思呢?


It was a hot day.

I had been eating hot dogs for a week and I needed a change.

So I went to a hot pot restaurant and I loved the hot sauce there.

【注意,这里 hot= spicy】

At the hot pot restaurant, I saw many hot girls, who were talking about hot topics.

But when it came to a hot movie, two of the hot girls were arguing with each other. 【When it comes to ...当谈到...】

It seems that a hot girl often has a hot temper.

2. causev.

1)造成,引起v. = lead to.

To cause something, usually something bad, means to make it happen.

The boy has caused a lot of trouble.

He is such a troublemaker that he has caused his parents a lot of worry.

2) n. 原因:

Smoking is one of the major causes of death and disease.

The cause of the car accident is speeding.

特别注意: 介词的使用:

不要说 ‘the cause for something’而是 the cause of something.

而reason的用法是:the reason for something而不是 the reason of something

那这cause VS reason都有表示原因, 两个词有啥区别?

Generally,a cause produces an effect.

But a reason supports a decision or an opinion, and explains why something is done.


The police are investigating the cause of the explosion.

场景2:Peter just quit his job at the bank.

The reason why he quit was (that) he didn’t like the job.


The cause of his decision to quit was the big mistake he made.

【因果关系 cause-effect relationship】

英文里,表示因为为啥是 because

because来自于词组:“by cause”


because常常被省略为 ’cause, 有时写成 ’coz

比如: I work hard, ’coz Ienjoy it.

3. accidentallyadv. 意外地,偶然地

来自名词:accident 意外


*When I was abroad, I bumped into an old friend accidentally

accidentally= unexpectedly = by chance / by accident.

I accidentally deleted an important file.

The fisherman accidentally discovered the Peach Blossom Land.

4. remains(正式用语)n.遗体,残骸

注意:remain做动词核心意思表示“留下”= to continue to exist or be left

The score is tied, with only one minute remaining.


Michael Jordan remained calm at the last minute.

remains= things that remain

(1) 遗体,残骸 :

The remains of a person or animal are the parts of their body that are left after they have died.

The remains of the hero were kept in a crystal coffin.

The hunter found the remains of a tiger.


There mains of something are the parts of it that are left after most of it has been taken away or destroyed.

the remains of ancient Rome

the remains of a meal

We are cleaning up the remains of the dinner.

5. solvev. 解决,解开

解决问题:Solve a problem

解答谜题:solve a puzzle

解开谜团:solve a mystery

为啥solve 表示解决?

词根:solv, solute = loosen 松开,散开

solve v. 解决,解开

solution n. 解决方案 the solution to the problem

Absolutely adj. 绝对的,完全的

【ab-away + solute=loosen】

He is absolutely right .

6. mysteryn. 迷

A mystery is something that is not understood.

Who created the universe remains a mystery.

How the ancient Egyptians managed to design and build the pyramids remains a mystery.

精彩句型: sth. is a mystery to me


How he managed to lose 30 pounds in a month is a mystery to me.

Mysterious adj. 神秘的

*I met a mysterious stranger

*I received a mysterious letter

Albert Einstein说:

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

It is the source of all true art and science.

7. snatchv. 抓住,抢夺

英文解释:to take something away from someone with a quick, often violent(猛烈的) movement

注意:snatch 这个动作的关键就是:__________【听记1】


An eagle swooped(俯冲) down and snatched up a fish from the water.


A man snatched my cellphone from my hand and ran away.

注意:snatch 的引申用法:

I stayed up late last night so I need to snatch an hour’s sleep on the train.

8. spark n.

1) n. 火花 【东西燃烧时,或碰撞时产生的火星,火花】

A spark is a very small burning piece of material.


*We can see sparks fly up from the open fire. 火星从篝火中飞出

*Electric sparks from a broken wire can start a fire.


A small cigarette end may spark a big fire.


Reading science fiction sparks people’s imagination and curiosity.

This course has sparked my interest in English.

From a little spark may burst a flame.



  • Tina_MichaelKevindle

    我的炒年糕 回复 @Tina_MichaelKevindle:

  • 听友108214425


  • 啊薰_小山


  • 北京夏至Summer


    我的炒年糕 回复 @北京夏至Summer:

  • Tina_MichaelKevindle

    我的炒年糕 回复 @Tina_MichaelKevindle:

  • 早起之虫被鸟吃


  • owenliubo


    有来学 回复 @owenliubo: 你好,建议在网络环境较好时再刷新试试哦~

  • 水飞藜莹

    From a little spark may burst a flame. 星星之火,可以燎原。

  • ccuicui


  • 我的炒年糕
