2册-047.1 |【词汇脱口秀】如何讲述奇闻轶事:酒屋还是鬼屋



1. thirsty 

When you are thirsty, you feel a need to drink something.

在英文中,thirsty这个词的重要引申义就是have a strong desire for something, 

而这课标题中的A Thirsty ghost怎么理解呢?

黄金用法: be thirsty for ...


We are thirsty for peace.  

The young man is thirsty for victory.

Those kids are thirsty for knowledge.


The kids are hungry for knowledge.或:They are hungry to learn.

Stay hungry, stay foolish!  

意思:Stay hungry to learn new things, and stay humble as if you were foolish.


美国著名的科技作家Kevin Kelly,他曾是乔布斯最喜欢的杂志《Whole Earth Catalog》(全球目录)的主编,畅销书《Out of control》的作者;

Kevin Kelly:

"It' s the idea that you always want to be a learner, you always want to have a fresh mind. You don't want to have full mind with no room for anything new."

2. ghost

* ghost story




Ghost:A ghost is the spirit of a dead person that some people believe they can see or feel.


ghostly  adj.  幽灵似的,像鬼似的

slightly frightening and seeming to be related to ghosts or spirits

* a ghostly voice

* a ghostly figure in a white dress  

I heard a ghostly voice before seeing a ghostly figure in a white dress.

What a spooky night!

spooky adj.令人毛骨悚然的

A place that is spooky has a frightening atmosphere, and makes you feel that there are ghosts around.

On a spooky night, we stayed in a spooky old house and told spooky stories.      

3. haunt v.  

1) 闹鬼的,If the soul of a dead person haunts a place, it appears there often.

*  The castle is haunted by a female ghost.

*  The house is haunted by the ghost of the former landlord.

*  a haunted house/castle


If something unpleasant haunts you, you keep thinking or worrying about it over a long period of time.

比如:The thief was haunted by the fear that the police would find him.

什么叫“a haunted expression”?

The mom looked so haunted , as her son had not been found.


* a haunting melody

* Each one of these Chinese ancient towns is hauntingly beautiful.

4. furniture n.家具

a piece of furniture

a valuable piece of furniture

Michael bought some new pieces of furniture.

Each piece of furniture suited the style of his house.

5. suggest v.

1) 建议= to put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about

用法:suggest sth. / doing

suggest that ... (should) do  【注意:虚拟语气】

(错) I suggest you to call the police.

(正)I suggest you should call the police. / I suggest you call the police.  

I suggest calling the police.


If you would like to try Chinese food, I would suggest Kongpao Chicken and spicy fish.

I would suggest taking the subway. / I would suggest we (should) take the subway.

I suggest(that)Michael should be sent to the hospital immediately .

I suggest that Mike be sent to the hospital immediately.

2) 暗示= imply, state indirectly

A:Even though you answered the question, I think you might have done it differently.              

B:  Are you suggesting (that) I was wrong?

A:I’m not suggesting you were wrong, but you could have done it better.

It is wrong to suggest that learning English is just for passing exams.

Learning English opens a window to the world.              

3) Suggest还可表示“表明,显示”

【=to make someone think that something is true】

Opinion polls suggest that only 25% of the population trust the government.

6. shake

v.摇晃  to move suddenly from side to side or up and down

shake one’s head

shake hands with sb.

The two leaders shook hands with each other.

A handshake between two people usually suggests friendship and cooperation.


为啥叫milkshake ?

Originally, a milkshake was hand-shaken mixture of ice, milk, sugar and



tremble v.【shake slightly】

If you tremble, you shake slightly because you are frightened, cold or angry.


比如:tremble with anger/fear

* The mom was trembling with anger.  这句话是什么意思?

* The mom was shaking with anger.这句话是什么意思?

rock = move gently

A mother rocked the baby gently in her arms.

注意:如果你是shake the baby什么感觉?

You can shake someone, because you want them to wake up

or because you are angry with them. 

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