2册-046.3 |【故事转述】如何讲述奇闻轶事:偷渡的代价



1.  中英文逐句转述


Stowing away on a plane can be expensive and uncomfortable.  


A man called Tony from London managed to hide in a wooden box before it was loaded into a plane to Sydney .


The plane took off, and no one had discovered that a man was lying in the box which also contained clothing.


The space in the box was so small that Tony had to curl up (蜷缩) on a pile of woolen goods. He couldn't stretch his legs or turn around.


Not surprisingly, he had a long and uncomfortable flight, for he was confined to the dark and stuffy box for over eighteen hours.


But as Tony thought of the large sum of money that would be saved, he was able to endure the long flight .


Finally, the plane landed safely at Sydney airport.


Tony was excited that his uncomfortable journey was about to end.


Airport workers began to unload the wooden boxes from the plane, and Tony was waiting for a chance to secretly get out.  


Guess what happened then ?


Well, he did get out of the box, but not“secretly”.


Tony was still lying on the woollen goods when the cover of the box was removed by a worker, who wondered why this box was extremely heavy.  


Both Tony and the worker were astonished when they saw each other.  


Tony had hardly had time to run away, when he was arrested by the police.


He was then fined 3500 pounds while the normal price of a ticket is only 2000 pounds.


With that amount of money, he could have booked a first class ticket and enjoyed a comfortable flight.

2. 全英文转述

Stowing away on a plane can be expensive and uncomfortable.

A man called Tony from London managed to hide in a wooden box before it was loaded into a plane to Sydney. The plane took off, and no one had discovered that a man was lying in the box which also contained clothing. The space in the box was so small that Tony had to curl up (蜷缩) on a pile of woolen goods. He couldn't stretch his legs or turn around.

Not surprisingly, he had a long and uncomfortable flight, for he was confined to the dark and stuffy box for over eighteen hours.

But as Tony thought of the large sum of money that would be saved, he was able to endure the long flight. Finally, the plane landed safely at Sydney airport. Tony was excited that his uncomfortable journey was about to end. Airport workers began to unload the wooden boxes from the plane, and Tony was waiting for a chance to secretly get out.  

Guess what happened then ?

Well, he did get of the box, but not “secretly”. Tony was still lying on the woollen goods when the cover of the box was removed by a worker, who wondered why this box was extremely heavy. Both Tony and the worker were astonished when they saw each other.  

Tony had hardly had time to run away, when he was arrested by the police.  He was then fined 3500 pounds while the normal price of a ticket is only 2000 pounds.

With that amount of money, he could have booked a first class ticket and enjoyed a comfortable flight.

3. 东欣点评 

An unbelievable stowaway

WELSH teenager Brian Robson was so homesick in 1965 Australia that he decided to do the unthinkable: mail himself to London in a crate.

His ill-planned journey went catastrophically wrong, and the cramped box, which measured less than a metre-cubed, almost became a coffin

As the crate was buffeted around in the hold(飞机货舱), desperate Robson was frequently forced to stand on his head, and repeatedly blacked out(失去知觉).

“It was pretty scary,” he said. “The crate was a bit too small. I had only a pint of water and five biscuits to live on. I had finished the biscuits and had two mouthfuls of water left when they found me. ”

He managed to travel 12,900 kilometres to Los Angeles, spending 92 hours nailed(钉子固定) in the wooden box before he was discovered. He was then flown the rest of the way to London in comfort, his jetliner ticket marked “deported from the United States”.

  • 1384486cdzt

    get of 还是 get out of 没听出来;感觉老师读的是后者,意思理解感觉后者是不是更贴近?

    有来学 回复 @1384486cdzt: 你好,麻烦能指出具体在哪个区位置吗?

  • Prophet_溯


  • 世染晨光Leo


  • lin栀子花开

  • ccuicui


  • g314625hymbi2ijb6vn0

    讲得真好! extremely good!

  • hgen

  • AC米兰俱乐部成立

    A man called Tony from London managed to hide in a wooden box before it was loaded into a plane to Sydney .
