2册-047.2 |【句型精讲】如何讲述奇闻轶事:酒屋还是鬼屋



1. A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale.


public house

= pub


up for sale / for sale 


If something is up for sale or for sale, its owner is trying to sell it. 

Is the teapot for sale ?

Sorry, it is not for sale. It is just a sample. 

The house is up for sale. 

The restaurant is up for sale. 

The company decided to put itself up for sale.


up for sth.:  一个东西准备用来进行某个操作,或一个人被作为某工作考虑对象

1) available for a particular process

The business plan will be up for discussion on Friday.   

Those paintings are put up for auction. 

2)  If someone is up for election or for a job, they are about to be considered.   

Nelson is up for reelection this year and he's expected to win.

Susan is one of the candidates up for the manager’s job. 

3) If you are up for something, you are willing to do it or interested in doing it. 

We are going on a picnic tomorrow. Are you up for it ?  

Oh, Sounds great. If Peter and Michael are up for it, count me in.

总结:学习方法提示: up for .... 这么多意思怎么学? 



The house is up for sale.  

He is up for election 

I am up for watching a movie. 

2.借代 --让语言生动的技巧

He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before.             

语言亮点:must have drunk 表示“对过去推测”

Which 指代的是five empty whisky bottles,但是鬼怎么能喝“空瓶子”呢?

其实:Five empty Whisky bottles 指代了 five bottles of whisky 五瓶威士忌酒,这里用了借代Metonymy,这种修辞手法 (也称为“转喻”,可视为“比喻”的一种)    






1)在William Shakespeare的《Julius Ceasar》中:

Anthony:“Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears.”

“Ears”stand for the ability to listen. Anthony was not asking everyone to chop off their ears, but to pay attention.

“Tell me about your story. I’m all ears!”I am all ears = I am listening very carefully. 

2)Hand - for help

Could you give me a hand carrying these books up the stairs? 

3)Tongue - used in place of language.

My mother tongue is mandarin. 

4)“The pen is mightier than the sword.” 

【Pen refers to written words, and sword to military force. 】


“The White House will be making an announcement around noon today.”

The White House -- used in place of the President or White House staff

Washington - to refer to the US government

After the protests, maybe Washington will listen to the voters.

3.  讲故事如何吸引人? --- Creating Suspense

When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr Thompson shook his head. The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away. 


The pub is so scary that no one dares to have it. 

Mr.Thompson的推理: So since no one dares to accept the pub, only a thirsty ghost could have come. 

故事如何吸引人呢?Creating Suspense

Who was the thirsty ghost ? 故事有点像“惊悚片”thriller: 

Creating suspense is an effective way of making your story attractive. 

什么是dramatic questions?_________________________

The pub is up for sale . --> Why is it up for sale ?  

It is haunted. --> What happened ?

One night a strange noise came from the bar. --> Who made the noise?

The furniture was moved. Five empty whisky bottles were found. --> Who moved the furniture and drank the Whisky?

Mr. Thompson believed that the ghosts couldn’t have been villagers. --> Why?

Villagers won’t accept the pub even if it is given away. --> Then who was the thirsty ghost ?

Learning New Concept English is not just about memorizing vocabulary and grammar, but about learning how to tell a good story. I hope everyone will come away from the book being a good story-teller. 




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    刘东欣_英文本色 回复 @明月明月儿: 工作,学习,生活,三者平衡不容易,明月加油!

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  • 我最爱土豆_t5

    One night a strange noise came from the bar. 应该是coming 吧

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