10.11 双语精选:2018年胡润百富榜出炉,马云家族问鼎中国首富

10.11 双语精选:2018年胡润百富榜出炉,马云家族问鼎中国首富


Clintons are going on tour

Bill and Hillary Clinton are going on tour. The Clintons announced on Monday that they would headline a series of live events together - billed "An Evening with The Clintons" - across the country in the final weeks of 2018 and into 2019. 

The events, which are being produced by tour promoter Live Nation, are being billed as "one-of-a-kind conversation with two individuals who have helped shape our world." Cross-country tours are in vogue for Democratic heavyweights. Former first lady Michelle Obama announced earlier this year that she would embark on a 10-city tour around her upcoming memoir, "Becoming."

Better readers & writers

Girls are better than boys at both reading and writing as early as age 10 - a gap that only widens as they head towards adulthood, according to a new study. Researchers came to their conclusion after reviewing the test scores of 4 million American high school students, spanning a period of almost three decades. 

Girls ranked significantly better in both reading and writing in the fourth grade, a gap that only widened in the eighth and twelfth grades. They argue that expressive writing exercises should be pushed on boys earlier to help them catch up with the other sex.

Jack Ma tops Hurun list

Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma and his family have been ranked No 1 on the Hurun China Rich List 2018, according to the latest version of the list released on Wednesday. With 270 billion yuan in wealth, Jack Ma's family became the richest in China, dethroning Evergrande Chairman Xu Jiayin, whose wealth fell 40 billion yuan to 250 billion yuan. 

Tencent Chairman and CEO Ma Huateng, with 240 billion yuan in wealth, took the third spot on the list. The richest woman in China, Yang Huiyan, vice-chairwoman of Country Garden, grabbed fourth place with 150 billion yuan in personal wealth. Newcomer Lei Jun, founder and CEO of Xiaomi, and returning Wang Wenyin, chairman of Amer International Group, and his family shared 10th place with the same wealth of 110 billion yuan.

E-commerce, fintech and internet service industries show strong momentum to generate wealth in China as two of the top three work in these industries. The ages of China's richest range from 32 to 76, with Yan Hao, chairman of the board of Pacific Construction Group, as the youngest and He Xiangjian, founder of Midea Group, as the oldest.

IMF cuts growth forecast

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut its forecast on global economic growth on Tuesday to 3.7% for 2018 and 2019, a 0.2 percentage point lower for both years than its April estimate, citing rising trade protection and the instability in emerging markets. 

According to the latest World Economic Outlook (WEO), the US is expected to grow slower at 2.5% next year due to recently announced trade measures, including the tariffs imposed on $200 billion of US imports from China. In April's forecast, the IMF anticipated a 2.7% increase in the US economy. 

Escalating trade tensions and the potential shift away from a multilateral, rules-based trading system are key threats to the global outlook, WEO warned. IMF chief economist Maurice Obstfeld said in a statement, "Without multi-lateralism, the world will be a poorer and more dangerous place".

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