Scientists have known that what you eat before and after you exercise can make or break a workout and possibly affect your fitness results.
It turns out that quality carbohydrates are important for pre-workout and lean proteins post-workout.
After you exercise, munch on protein, such as dairy products, eggs, meat and poultry.
A post-workout routine should include fluids to rehydrate, carbohydrates to refuel and protein to repair.
make or break: 成就或摧毁
workout /ˈwəːkaʊt/: n. 锻炼;运动
possibly /ˈpɒsɪbli/: adv. 可能地
·likely /ˈlaɪkli/: adv. 很可能
quality /ˈkwɒlɪti/: adj. 优质的
carbohydrate /ˌkɑːbəʊˈhaɪdreɪt/: n. 碳水化合物
be important for: 对……是重要的
pre-workout: 运动前的
post-workout: 运动后的
protein /ˈprəʊtiːn/: n. 蛋白质
munch /mʌn(t)ʃ/: vi. 用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼
poultry /ˈpəʊltri/: n. 家禽
rehydrate/ˌriːhaɪˈdreɪt/: v. 补水;再水化
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