7.26 热门:北京土著将废弃仓库变爱犬豪宅

7.26 热门:北京土著将废弃仓库变爱犬豪宅


Ivanka ends her brand

Ivanka Trump confirmed on Tuesday that she is closing her eponymous fashion brand to focus on her work in Washington. The news comes more than a year after the 36-year-old first daughter formally separated from the company to move to the nation's capital to work as one of her father President Donald Trump's senior White House advisers. 

"After 17 months in Washington, I do not know when or if I will ever return to the business, but I do know that my focus for the foreseeable future will be the work I am doing here in Washington," Ivanka said in a statement. The brand's 18 employees were informed Tuesday that the business would be ending for good.

Musk wants to dig a tunnel

Under the warm asphalt of West Los Angeles, beneath bumper-to-bumper traffic and swaying palm trees, Elon Musk is searching for answers. There, a machine named Godot may soon grind away at a 4.3-km tunnel to run below Interstate 405. 


The tunnel currently awaits a permit, and Angelenos may be waiting a while before it's complete. But Musk, who spends his days juggling CEO roles at electric-auto maker Tesla and aerospace outfit SpaceX, has something to prove. Practically speaking, the Bel Air resident wants easier transit between his homes and the SpaceX campus in Hawthorne, 27 km to the south. 
这条隧道目前正在等待审批,而它的竣工还需要更长时间。但身兼电动汽车公司特斯拉和航天装备公司SpaceX两家企业CEO的马斯克希望在此有所作为。从现实的角度来看,居住在Bel Air豪宅区的马斯克希望在自己住所和其南边27公里以外的SpaceX霍桑总部之间的出行更为便利。

From a theoretical standpoint, Musk hopes to demonstrate that subterranean, supersonic public transit isn't just a futuristic fantasy but a realistic solution for what ails many of America's busiest and most cash-strapped metropolises.

Chinese splurge on pets

A Beijing native has turned an abandoned warehouse to his pest Sylar's new mansion. Over the past year, builders have transformed the two-acre lot into the pet dog's "paradise". Beyond them lie a spa, a trampoline, an indoor pool. Theories abound as to why affluent Chinese seem so devoted to their pets. Analysts tie some of the fervor to the country's rigid "one-child" policy. 


Marriage rates and birthrates have fallen in recent years as a generation without siblings, saddled with extra family pressure to shine, has pursued more education and often refused to settle down, said Li Cheng, a China scholar at the Brookings Institution in Washington. "They have a sense of independence," Li said, "but they still want a companion."

Sanitary pads made tax-free

Sanitary pads are now tax-free in India. The Indian government has decided to scrap a controversial 12% tax on the feminine hygiene products, it announced, marking a victory for campaigners who have lobbied against the tax for more than a year. 


Activists say removing the tax on pads tackles one of the biggest barriers to education for girls, who are often forced to stay at home due to a lack of access to clean hygiene products, while also facing stigma and a lack of toilets in schools. 


Periods are among the leading factors for girls to drop out of school in India, where four out of five women and girls are estimated by campaigners to have no access to sanitary pads during their period.

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  • vampire_2s

    why not build some sanitary pads factories ? it's a matter of the health of all women and girls. the government should focus on this issue. lack of money? then positively call for foreign investment .

    听友112780948 回复 @vampire_2s: Personally i thought it was not because of the product lack but the price which make sanitary pads unaffordable as the result of tax burden.

  • 不当咸鱼


    炫左侧以环顾 回复 @不当咸鱼: 呵呵

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  • 毛毛07


    毛毛07 回复 @毛毛07: 打卡

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  • 听友127093500

    Very good.

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