7.25 热门:普京送的球在美被安检

7.25 热门:普京送的球在美被安检


Voice messages impolite

Sending a voice message on We Chat is considered obnoxious in the Chinese professional world, and usually only tolerated if it is sent from a superior to a subordinate. Sending someone a voice message - instead of typing it out - tells them: "I'm obviously busier and more important than you." The sender saves time - at the recipient's expense.

Imagine receiving a 60-second audio message from someone. If you're in a noisy place (a networking event or a party), you have to strain your ears or find a quiet place to hear it. If you're in a library, you have to dig up your headphones. If you're in a meeting, you have to wait until the meeting is over. Fully taking in the message requires careful listening and sometimes even transcription.

So, do not send voice messages on We Chat in a professional situation. If you have to send voice messages for special reasons, begin with an apology and communicate that you have no other choice. 

Gift given security check

The red and white football given to US President Donald Trump by Russian President Vladimir Putin is undergoing a routine security screening. The US Secret Service said that is standard for all gifts to the president. 

During a joint news conference after their summit last week in Finland, Putin used football metaphors and was handed a football that he tossed to Trump. Trump said he would give the ball to his 12-year-old son, Barron, a football fan. 

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham tweeted after the exchange that he would have the ball checked for listening devices and "never allow it in the White House". Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told a security conference he is sure the ball "has been looked at very carefully".

Snake farmers earn $12m

$12m is a year of revenue generated by a few entrepreneurial snake farmers in the tiny village of Zisiqiao in East China's Zhejiang province.

Snake farmers sell more than 3 million snakes a year to pharmaceutical companies who use the gall bladders, livers and skins from the reptiles to create nutritional supplements that are ultimately sold to customers in Japan, South Korea, the US and Europe. 

People in China and in other places around the world swallow snake pills and drink snake wine made from snake-based ingredients because they believe that it helps to cure spinal disease or reduces the damage to one's liver when taken before drinking alcohol. A single gram of snake venom can bring in 3,000-5,000 yuan. 90% of the area's 170 families depend on snake-raising for income.

Young people make better decisions

A new study from the University of Waterloo has found that in some ways, the older you get the worse your decision making becomes.

The study established that younger children seem to make slightly better decisions than older children. The older children get, the more they tend to ignore some of the information available to them when making judgments. 

"Kids at different ages don't treat all information similarly when we set out to teach them new things," said Stephanie Denison, an associate professor in the Department of Psychology. Children will use the data in the way they think makes the most sense. The younger children were more likely to take all aspects of information into account, she said. 

Find more audio news on the China Daily app.

  • Han_mi2

    Charlie Clarkson去哪了 更喜欢她的英音

    csgo爆头线天花板 回复 @Han_mi2: ,+1

  • 偶玉良缘设我为星标好

    一直跟着China daily 练习英音,怎么突然换成美音了?建议以后提供两个版本,供听众选择。

  • 一丝丝夜听


    深海鱼_eg 回复 @一丝丝夜听: 坚持就有收获

  • WendyHuang_h8


  • 一丝丝夜听


  • 浮生几记

    请问 this is China daily什么news?

    听友123469690 回复 @浮生几记: 难道不是china daily嘛…

  • 哈皮的后妈


    夜观孤星 回复 @哈皮的后妈: 加油

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