听力 plastic bags

第2260期:Plastic money

无处不在的塑料 Plastic, plastic everywhere

第1511期:Planet Plastic

【发音版】Plastic Surgery整形手术

第2085期:Is plastic always bad?


0096 11.Jefferson Airplane - Plastic Fantastic Lover

698 – Bear stealing bags of gummy bear

2 英语家庭小故事 04 Three Bags

英语新闻丨Chemical recycling to reduce plastic waste

第1765期:Japanese Company Turns Unused Rice into Plastic Products

第2077期:Study Finds Small Plastic Pieces in Bottled Water




7. Plastic

第1488期:Plastic problem

第450期:Plastic Surgery

“塑料足迹” Plastic footprint

Do you change your bags often新

【口语版】Plastic Surgery整形手术

豌豆变塑料 Making ‘plastic’ from peas

Are Tiny Plastic Particles in Our Bodies Harmful?

【口语版】Checking Bags at the Airport托运行李

0130 07. Scott Walker - Plastic Palace People

第2094期:Study Finds Small Plastic Pieces in Bottled Water

【发音版】Checking Bags at the Airport托运行李

Is plastic always bad? 使用塑料制品一定是坏事吗?

66. Should we get rid of plastic water bottles
