planet plastic听力


Plastic Tree-Plastic Tree

潜像-Plastic Tree

痣花-Plastic Tree

Living Planet

Story Planet

分享一些听过的有意思的Planet Money播客节目


Plastic FM塑料调频是由四位生于长沙的30+女性发起的一档不知道如何归类的播客。我们关注的也许不是明面上的热点话题,但归根到底都是女性成长中我们曾经经历或者观察到的困惑。这既是我们四人的观点交流,也是我们把说教放在心里的尝试,更是我们对于“生...

For those of a certain age the name 'The Plastic Avengers' will be synonymous with quality house music. Whether on Glasgow Underground, NRK, Stickman Records or remixing Nick Holder or the H-Foundation, the Avengers blazed a trail of glo...


Planet Money的暑期特别栏目。第二季每周四更新。目前两季已全部更新完毕,我们明年暑假再见吧!(第一季第三期涉及敏感词,想听这期节目的听友可以移步每日英语听力应用的同名专辑收听)栏目简介:Economics is a game you should know how to play. And once you get the fundamental concepts, you start to see it everywhere: the news, the s...

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I am Planet Earth.I am the third planet from the sun.The sun gives me heat and light.I have many fine things.I have cool, wet water.I have hot, dry sand.I have leafy trees and jungles.I have mountains and valleys.I have warm, green rice ...

In a spaceship that can travel at the speed of light, Ulysse, a journalist, sets off from Earth for the nearest solar system. He finds there a planet which resembles his own, but on Soror humans behave like animals, and are hunted by a civi...