



审批事项应减尽减 Every requirement for government approval that should be canceled will be canceled.

让企业多用时间跑市场、少费功夫跑审批 allow companies to spend more time doing business and less time chasing approvals

坚决克服“准入不准营”的现象 put an end to the phenomenon of "letting firms in but not letting them do business"

工程建设项目审批制度 the system for construction project approval

加快实现网上服务业务一网通办、异地可办 work faster to make it possible for online services to be accessed via one website and processed remotely

更多事项不见面办理 More matters can be handled without the need to be physically present.

确需到现场办的要“一窗受理、限时办结”“最多跑一次”。 For matters that do require presence in person, they should be processed at a single window, within a specified time, and without the need for a second visit.

不能让繁琐证明来回折腾企业和群众 see that businesses and the public are not saddled with running from pillar to post for certificates

服务绩效由企业和群众来评判 let businesses and the public judge if our service is up to scratch

政府部门做好服务是本分,服务不好是失职。 Delivering good services is what a government is meant to do; failure to do so means failing in its duties.

公正监管 impartial regulation

公平竞争是市场经济的核心,公正监管是公平竞争的保障。 Fair competition is at the heart of a market economy, and impartial regulation is a safeguard for fair competition.

加快清理妨碍统一市场和公平竞争的各种规定和做法 move faster to do away with all regulations and practices that impede the functioning of a unified market and fair competition

政简易从。 Simple regulations are easy to follow.

制定统一的监管规则和标准 develop unified regulatory rules and standards

推进“双随机、一公开”跨部门联合监管 continue interdepartmental oversight conducted through the random selection of both inspectors and inspection targets and the prompt release of results

对违法者依法严惩、对守法者无事不扰 see that law breakers are punished in accordance with law and the law-abiding are let be

坚决治理多头检查执法、重复检查执法 address overlap and duplication in inspection and enforcement

对监管者也要强监管、立规矩 Regulators themselves must also be subject to strong oversight and follow rules.

决不允许搞选择性执法、任性执法,决不允许刁难企业和群众。 There can be no tolerance for selective or arbitrary law enforcement or for making things difficult for businesses and people.

制售假冒伪劣商品 the production and sale of counterfeit and substandard goods

让违法者付出付不起的代价 make the price to pay for law breakers too dear to afford

  • 虫虫nmf
