
1个回答2024-08-09 23:01
1。The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.
2。The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow.

3。Be careful on April 1st, because your friends may play a trick/trick on you.

4。Celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival will remind us of the great poet Qu Yuan.

5。We should be honest and get rid of the habit of telling lies.
1个回答2024-02-29 07:37
1 . 人员控制系统的控制对象是(B ) (5 分)A. 各级管理者B. 员工的行为C. 人事部门D. 主管人员
2 . 管理者授权时,必须向被授权人明确所授事项的任务目标及权责范围,亦即授权的(B )原则。A. 目标明确B. 权责对等C. 明确责任
3 . 传统的目标设定过程是由企业的最高管理者完成的,现代管理学提倡(A )A. 参与制目标设定法B. 专家目标设定法C. 员工目标设定法D. 过程性目标设定法
4 . 管理者的首要职能是(D )。A. 指挥B. 控制C. 协调D. 计划
5 . .对于高层管理者来说,掌握良好的(B )是最为重要的。A. 人际技能B. 概念技能C. 技术技能D. 管理技能
6 . 某企业生产某种产品,固定成本为15万元,单位可变成本为1000元,每台售价2200元,则该产品的盈亏平衡点是(C )A. 25台B. 100台C. 125台D. 12.5台
7 . 管理学专家彼得·德鲁克认为,单纯强调利润会使经理人迷失方向以至于危及企业的生存,因此他提出,企业的目标惟一有效的定义就是(B )A. 技术创新B. 信誉至上C. 创造顾客
8 . 韦伯认为,企业组织中存在三种纯粹形态的权利。其中,(D )最符合理性原则,效率最高的权利形式。A. 理性的权利B. 超凡的权利C. 传统的权利D. 理性—合法的权利
9 . 老李作为一名高级管理者受雇于某大型企业,其才华和学识得到了公司上下的认可。但是近年来,他越来越不满足,因为有很多想法无法实现。根据马斯洛的需要层次理论,对于目前的老李来说,其激励因素是(A ) A. 自我实现的需要B. 社交的需要C. 尊重的需要D. 安全的需要
10 . 就管理的职能而言,法约尔认为,(C )。A. 管理就是决策B. 管理就是要确切地知道要别人干什么,并注意他们用最好最经济的方法去干C. 管理就是实行计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制D. 管理就是经由他人去完成一定的工作。
1个回答2024-01-26 17:32
1-10 C B A D B C B D A C
1个回答2024-02-23 16:44
1个回答2024-08-07 13:07


  ( )1.当你向别人问路的`时候,你可以说:


  A: Sorry B: How are you? C: Excuse me

  ( )2.当你询问图书馆在哪里时,应该这样问:


  A: Where is the bookstore? B: Where is the library? C: Where is the museum?

  ( )3.科学博物馆在邮局的附近。应该这样说:


  A: The post office is behind the science museum

  B: The science museum is near the post office

  C: The science museum is in front of the post office

  ( ) 4. ---- Where is the school ?---- ______________ .

  A . It’s my school . B . My school is big . C . It’s next the shop .

  ( ) 5. She wants to buy ___________ shoes .

  A . a B . a pair of C . a pairs of

  ( ) 6.Get off _______ the cinema .

  A . at B . on C . in

  ( ) 7. Walk straight _________ ten minutes to cinema .

  A . to B . at C . for

  ( ) 8. My friend is reading a book _______ my left .

  A . on B .at C. in

  ( )9. Excuse me .Where is the hospital ?It’s east _______the cinema.

  A .on B. at C. on

  ( )10. Turn right at the cinema. It’s ______ the left.

  A. in B. at C. on

  ( )11.Go_______this road. It’s on the left.

  A. straight B. walk C. to

  ( )12. You can go by the No.12 bus. ______at the park .

  A. Get off B. Get on C. Get to

  ( )13. Then walk straight_____ two minutes .________left at the cinema .you can see it.

  A. for; On B. at; Go C. for; Turn

  ( )14.Sarah:Where is the library? Zhang Peng:

  A.It’s in front of the school.

  B.Where is the school?

  ***.is there a library near here?

  D.Yes,it is.

  ( )15.Liu:Excuse me,is there a cinema near here? Policeman:

  A.Yes,there are. B.No,there aren’t.

  CYes,there is. D,No,there is.

  ( )16.请问,电影院在哪儿?

  A. Where is the cinema ,please。

  B. Where is the school,please?

  C. Where is the post office,please?

  D. Where is the library,please?

  ( )17.医院离这儿很远吗?

  A.You’re welcome. B.No,it’s not far.

  ***.is the hospital far from here? D.It’s in front of the school.


  1..there a is near here hospital ?


  2. the cinema where is please ?


  3. it’s to hospital next the .


  4. home , near , is , my , the , office , post .


  5 . the , next , to , the , hospital , is , cinema .


  6 . your , far , home, here , from , is ?


  7.left at the turn park .


  8.library get can to I how the ?


  9.the left on post office the is .



  ( ) Where is the cinema ,please.

  ( ) Excuse me,is there a cinema near here?

  ( ) Yes,there is.

  ( ) It`s next to the hospital.

  ( ) Is it farfrom here?No,it`s not far.

  ( ) Thank you.

  ( ) You are welcome.



  It’s Saturday afternoon . Sam has no class today . He is going to his grandma’s home . Now he’s on his way . He walks to the bus stop .Then he takes the No. 308 bus . He goes straight for ten minutes . Then get off at the library . Grandma’s home is on the left .

  ( ) 1. It’s Saturday afternoon .

  ( ) 2. Sam goes to the bus stop on foot .

  ( ) 3. Sam doesn’t take the bus .

  ( ) 4. He goes on the bus at the library .

  ( ) 5 . He walks straight for 20 minutes .


  Lucy : Excuse me . Is there a library near here ?

  Bob : Yes ,there is . Go straight and turn left . It’s on Green Street on the right . It’s next to a supermarket .

  Lucy : Thank you very much .

  Bob : You are right .

  ( ) 1. Lucy wants to go to a supermarket .

  ( ) 2. The library is far from here .

  ( ) 3. The supermarket is next to a library .

  ( ) 4. The library isn’t on Green Street .

  ( ) 5. Bob knows the place (地点) that Lucy wants to go .


  How can I get to school ?

  First, __________ ___________. Turn left at the second traffic lights. Then ___ ___ again. Next,_____ _____ at the library and _______ __________.Then _________ ___________. You will see the school.

1个回答2024-08-11 08:33
第一张不清晰,第二张第一个填mode spaceship