
2022-12-31 17:47

Photograph - Ed Sheeran
Loving can hurt,

loving can hurt sometimes

But it's the only thing that I know

When it gets hard,

you know it can get hard sometimes

It's the only thing

that makes us feel alive

We keep this love in a photograph

We made these memories
for ourselves

Where our eyes are never closing
Our hearts were never broken

And time's forever frozen, still

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

Holding me close until our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone,

wait for me to come home

Loving can heal,

loving can mend your soul

And it's the only thing that I know

I swear it will get easier,

remember that with every piece of ya

And it's the only thing we take
with us when we die

We keep this love in a photograph

We made these memories for ourselves

Where our eyes are never closing

Our hearts were never broken

And time's forever frozen, still

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

Holding me close until our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone

And if you hurt me

That's okay baby, there'll be worse things

Inside these pages you just hold me

And I won't ever let you go

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

You can keep me
Inside the necklace you bought
when you were sixteen
Next to your heartbeat
where I should be

Keep it deep within your soul

And if you hurt me

That's okay baby, there'll be worse things

Inside these pages you just hold me

And I won't ever let you go

When I'm going,

I will remember how you kissed me

Under the lamppost back on Sixth street

Hearing you whisper through the phone

Wait for me to come home
1个回答2022-12-14 17:07
1个回答2024-02-20 04:46
功一半,过一半:边 给一半,留一半:细 吃一半,拿一半:哈 跑一半,退一半:跟
半推半就是什么意思 半推半就的意思
1个回答2023-06-18 21:05
1、半推半就的解释:推:推辞;就:靠拢;接受。一面推辞;一面接受。形容表面推辞;但内心愿意接受;假意拒绝的样子。 2、出处:元 王弯烂实甫《西厢记》第四本第一折:“半推半就,又惊又爱,檀口揾香腮...
2个回答2022-07-26 07:24
1个回答2023-09-01 11:15
清代学者李密庵《半半歌》: 看破浮生过半,半之受用无边。 半中岁月尽幽闲,半里乾坤开展。 半郭半乡村舍,半山半水田园。 半耕半读半经廛举枣灶,半正扮士半民姻眷。 半雅半粗器具,半华半实庭轩。 衾裳半...
1个回答2024-01-23 02:03
是的  续集是这个样子
1个回答2024-02-03 21:39
半睡半醒半人生, 半混半恶半自在
1个回答2023-11-03 17:03
自古人生最忌满,半贫半富半自安! 半命半天半机遇,半取半舍半行善! 半聋半哑半糊涂,半智半愚半圣贤! 半人半我半自在,半醒半醉半神仙! 半亲半爱半苦乐,半俗半禅半随缘! 人生一半在于我,另外一半听自然...