
2024-03-14 19:06

My Kind - Hilary Duff

Moment of clarity

You're leading me where I follow

And all my insanity

You're real, for now

So I keep telling me

You take the weight off my shoulders

You're every missing piece

You're real, for now

I let my walls come down tonight

Will let you waste my time

I don't care if it's all a lie

I'm with you for the night

You're taking me, taking me high

You're loving me, loving me right

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my kind

And so for now

Don't want you, don't want you to stop

I promise I won't get enough

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my kind

Oh, oh woah

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my

One of my

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my, one of my

You're standing out from the crowd

Strobe lights on your body

When everyone's fading out

You're real, for now

Won't you just take me down

For you I'm the perfect target

I know when the sun comes out

I'm off, but now

I let my walls come down tonight

Will let you waste my time

I don't care if it's all a lie

I'm with you for the night

You're taking me, taking me high

You're loving me, loving me right

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my kind

And so for now

Don't want you, don't want you to stop

I promise I won't get enough

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my kind

Oh, oh woah

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my, one of my

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my

We'll be going

Till I'm overloading

Even though it's breaking me, breaking me

Tearing me, tearing me up

I'm going

Till I'm overloading

Even though it's breaking me, breaking me


I'm with you for the night

You're taking me, taking me high

You're loving me, loving me right

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my, one of my

I'm with you for the night

You're taking me, taking me high

You're loving me, loving me right

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my kind

And so for now

Don't want you, don't want you to stop

I promise I won't get enough

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my kind

One of my kind

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my, one of my

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my

So for now

Don't want you, don't want you to stop

I promise I won't get enough

Think you're one of my kind

You're one of my kind
3个回答2022-09-06 03:20
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过桥米线民间故事的传说: 从前,云南蒙自一位秀才为了应考,他把自己关在南湖中的小岛上,日夜攻读。妻子每天给他送饭,因路远饭菜常常凉了,秀才便不爱吃。怎么办呢?一天妻子炖了一只肥母鸡,她用土罐盛了...
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少儿频道 米奇电影
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米线是对一种云南食品的特称。 米线用米制成,长条状,截面为圆形渣销源,色洁白,有韧性,于开水中稍煮后捞出,放入肉汤中,一般拌入葱花、酱油、盐、味精、油斗昌辣、肉酱等调料,趁如态热吃。
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