《11个生日|11 Birthdays 》英文版

《11个生日|11 Birthdays 》英文版


《11 Birthdays 》是由美国儿童文学作家温迪·马斯(Wendy Mass)所著,本专辑由百叶窗成员Andy Wang录制。

It's Amanda's 11th birthday and she is super excited -- after all, 11 is so different from 10. But from the start, everything goes wrong. The worst part of it all is that she and her best friend, Leo, with whom she's shared every birthday, are on the outs and this will be the first birthday they haven't shared together. When Amanda turns in for the night, glad to have her birthday behind her, she wakes up happy for a new day. Or is it? Her birthday seems to be repeating iself. What is going on?! And how can she fix it?

