英国首相里希·苏纳克 | 让街道恢复正常秩序

英国首相里希·苏纳克 | 让街道恢复正常秩序


Since the October 7th attacks in Israel, we’ve seen protests across our country almost every weekend. Many of these have been respectful, but there have also been far too many appalling examples of antisemitism, violent intimidation and the glorification of terrorism.自10月7日以色列袭击事件以来,我们几乎每个周末都能看到全国各地的抗议活动。其中有许多是令人尊敬的,但也有太多令人震惊的反犹太主义、暴力恐吓和美化恐怖主义的例子。
This must not stand. I’ve asked the police what powers they need to bring order to our streets. As a result today, we are setting our measures that will ban fireworks and flares that intimidate communities and have put our police officers in hospital. Stop people from being able to on our sacred war memorials and stop people from covering their faces to conceal their identity and evade arrest.这绝不能容忍。我已经询问过警方,他们需要什么权力来维持街道秩序。所以今天我们将制定措施,禁止燃放烟花和信号弹,因为它们会吓到社区居民,还可能导致我们的警察受伤住院。同时禁止人们在我们神圣的战争纪念碑前喧哗,禁止人们蒙面掩盖身份和逃避逮捕。
Those who abuse their freedom to protest undermine public safety and our democratic values and I will give police the powers they need to crack down on this intimidating and appalling behaviour.那些滥用抗议自由的人破坏了公共安全和我们的民主价值观,我将赋予警方必要的权力来打击这种恐吓和骇人听闻的行为。

