英国首相里希·苏纳克 | 全面禁售一次性电子烟

英国首相里希·苏纳克 | 全面禁售一次性电子烟


Now the number of children vaping in the past three years has tripled. We know that vaping can be useful for smokers to quit, but there's no reason for kids to take it up, especially when we don't know about the long-term health impacts. So here's what we're going to do.在过去的三年里,吸食电子烟的儿童数量增加了两倍。我们知道电子烟可以帮助吸烟者戒烟,但没有理由让孩子们去吸食,尤其是我们不知道它对健康是否有长期影响的情况下。这就是我们接下来要做的。
First, we'll ban disposable Vapes. These Vapes have caused a major spike in youth vaping, the proportion of 11 to 17 year Old Vapors using disposables has increased almost nine times in the past two years.首先,我们将禁止一次性电子烟。这些电子烟导致青少年吸食数量激增,在过去两年中,11至17岁青少年吸食一次性电子烟的的比例增加了近9倍。
Second, we'll crack down on marketing with new powers to restrict flavors and introduce plain packaging to make Vapes less appealing to kids.其次,我们将通过新的力量来限制口味和采用简易包装来打击电子烟市场营销,从而降低吸食者对儿童的吸引力。
Third, we'll make sure Vapes can't be displayed in shops in ways which appeal specifically to Children.第三,我们将确保电子烟不能以专门吸引儿童的方式在商店里展示。
Fourth, we'll stop children getting hold of vaping Alternatives, and there's no point in children stopping vaping if they can still access products like nicotine pouches. So we'll ban their sale to children, too. 第四,我们将阻止儿童获得吸食替代品途径,如果儿童仍然可以获得尼古丁等产品,那么停止吸食电子烟就没有意义了。因此,我们也将禁止向儿童出售这类产品。
And lastly, five, We'll introduce new fines for shops who sell Vapes illegally to Children. Nobody wants to see their child smoking or vaping. These plans alongside our commitment  to create the first smokefree generation will help protect the health of our children for the future.最后,我们将对非法向儿童出售电子烟的商家处以新的罚款。没有人想看到自己的孩子吸烟或吸食电子烟。这些计划以及我们创造第一个无烟一代的承诺,将有助于在未来保护我们孩子的健康。

