


4291. root:/ruːt/ n.根,根茎;(坏事的)根源,原因【We must get to the root of this problem. 我们一定要探本溯源,查出造成这个问题的原因。/ The high crime rate has its roots in unemployment and poverty. 高犯罪率的根源在于失业和贫穷。】;(毛发、牙或指甲的)根部;词根;(数学方程式的)根;方根;roots 根源,起源【The city of Tours can trace its roots back to Roman times. 图尔城的历史可以追溯到古罗马时代。】;v.翻找,翻寻【She rooted through the papers on her desk. 她在桌上的文件中翻来翻去地找东西。】;生根;长出根来【The trees failed to root and so died. 这些树没能生根,所以都死了。】

4292. deaf:/def/ adj.耳聋的,听不见的,失聪的【He's been totally deaf since birth. 他生下来就完全失聪。】;不愿听的;充耳不闻的【The local council has remained deaf to all the objections to its proposals. 当地议会对反对其提案的各种声音充耳不闻。】;n.聋人,耳聋者,失聪人士

4293. calf:/kɑːf/,/kæf/ n.小牛,牛犊;(象、鲸等大型哺乳动物的)幼崽,幼兽;腿肚子【She's been unable to play since January because of a torn calf muscle. 因为小腿肚肌肉拉伤,她从一月份以来就无法上场。】

4294. enlightening:/ɪnˈlaɪ.t̬ən.ɪŋ/ adj.启迪的;使人增进知识的;使人获得教益的【That was a very enlightening programme. 那个节目很有启发性。/ The instruction manual that came with my new computer wasn't very enlightening about how to operate it. 我新买的电脑所附的使用手册不是很有帮助,看了还是不懂怎样操作。】

4295. enlightenment:/ɪnˈlaɪ.t̬ən.mənt/ n.领悟;启发;开导【Can you give me any enlightenment on what happened? 你能给我解释一下发生了什么吗?】;(印度教和佛教中的)般若,智慧,觉悟;

4296. formulate:/ˈfɔːr.mjə.leɪt/ v.制订;规划;构想【to formulate a new plan 制订一个新计划】;确切表达;认真阐述(If you formulate a thought, opinion, or idea, you express it or describe it using particular words.)【I was impressed by the way he could formulate his ideas. 他陈述观点的方式让我印象深刻。】;

4297. formulation:/ˌfɔːrmjuˈleɪʃn/ n.(药品或化妆品的)配方;配方产品【There have been problems with the formulation of the vaccine. 疫苗的配方有些问题。】; (政策、计划等的)制定,构想【the process of policy formulation and implementation 政策的制定和实施过程】

4298. initially:/ɪˈnɪʃ.əl.i/ adv.最初,一开始 = at the beginning【Initially, most people approved of the new plan. 起初,大部分人都同意这个新方案。】

4299. initiate:/ɪˈnɪʃ.i.eɪt/ v.开始,创始【Who initiated the violence? 谁先使用暴力的?】;向(某人)传授专门知识;(通过某种仪式)接纳(新会员)【At the age of eleven, Harry was initiated into the art of golf by his father. 哈里11岁时,他的父亲教给了他高尔夫球基本技巧。】;n.新入会的人;新成员

4300. initiation:/ɪˌnɪʃ.iˈeɪ.ʃən/ n.开始;发起;实施【Lawyers for the couple have announced the initiation of divorce proceedings. 夫妇双方的律师已声明进入离婚诉讼程序。】;(某项活动或技能的)入门,初学【My initiation into the mysteries of home brewing was not a success. 我初学自家酿酒并不成功。】

4301. document:/ˈdɔk.jə.mənt/,/ˈdɑː.kjə.mənt/ n.(尤指正式的)文件,公文【official/confidential/legal documents 正式/机密/法律文件】;(计算机)文件,文档【I'll send you the document by email. 我会用电子邮件把文件发给你。】;v.记录,记载【His interest in cars has been well-documented (= recorded and written about) by the media. 他对汽车的兴趣在媒体的报道中都有详细的记载。】

4302. documentary:/dɔkjuˈmɛntərɪ/ ,/dɔkjuˈmɛntrɪ/ n.纪录片;纪实性广播节目【They showed a documentary on animal communication. 他们放映了一部关于动物之间交流沟通的纪录片。】;adj.文件的;文书的;(电影、电视、广播节目等的)纪实的,记录的【Most of her movies have a documentary style. 她的电影大多是纪实风格的。】

4303. fable:/ˈfeɪ.bəl/ n.寓言;寓言故事【the fable of the tortoise and the hare 龟兔赛跑的寓言故事】

4304. examinee:/ɪɡˌzæmɪˈniː/ n.应试者;参加考试者

4305. examiner:/ɪɡˈzæmɪnə/ n.主考人;考官【The candidates listed below have failed to satisfy the examiners. 考官认为,下列考生没有达到要求。】

4306. donate:/dəʊˈneɪt/ , /ˈdoʊ.neɪt/ v.捐赠,捐助,捐献【An anonymous businesswoman donated one million dollars to the charity. 一位女商人匿名向该慈善机构捐赠了100万美元。】;献(血);捐献(器官)【The appeal for people to donate blood was very successful. 这个献血号召非常有效。】

4307. donation:/doʊˈneɪ.ʃən/ n.捐献,捐赠,捐助【I'd like to make a small donation in my brother's name. 我想以我兄弟的名义捐献一点。】

4308. innovate:/ˈɪn.ə.veɪt/ v.改革;创新【The fashion industry is always desperate to innovate. 时装业总是竭尽全力地进行创新。】;

4309. innovation:/ˌɪn.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ n.新观念;新方法;(新观念或方法的)创造,使用【the latest innovations in computer technology 计算机技术最新的发展】

4310. innovative:/ˈɪn.ə.veɪ.t̬ɪv/ ,/ˈɪn.ə.və.tɪv/ adj.创新的,革新的;新颖的【She was an imaginative and innovative manager. 她是个具有想象力和创新精神的经理。】

4311. fuss:/fʌs/ n. 紧张不安;大惊小怪;过分激动【It's all a fuss about nothing. 这完全是无谓的大惊小怪。/ We tried to arrange a ceremony with as little fuss as possible. 我们试图安排一个尽可能低调的仪式。】;make a fuss of sb. 对(某人)关怀备至;对(某人)体贴入微【She doesn't see her grandchildren very often so she makes a real fuss of them when she does. 她不怎么经常见到孙子们,所以见到时往往对他们非常宠爱。】;v.(为小事)过于烦恼,过度焦虑;过于关注(细节)【Please, stop fussing - the food's cooking and there's nothing more to do until the guests arrive. 别瞎操心了—饭正做着,客人们来之前没什么要做的了。】

4312. hypothetical:/ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkl/ adj.假定的,假设的【a hypothetical example/situation 假设的例子/情况】

4313. clerical:/ˈkler.ɪ.kəl/ adj.办公室工作的;办事员工作的;文书工作的【a clerical job 文书工作】;牧师的,神职人员的

4314. gamble:/ˈɡæm.bəl/ v.投机;冒险【Anyone who gambles on the stock exchange has to be prepared to lose money. 任何进行股票投机的人都必须要做好赔钱的准备。】;赌博,打赌【He gambles on the horse races. 他赌马。】

4315. boring:/ˈbɔː.rɪŋ/ adj.烦人的;乏味的;无聊的【She finds opera boring. 她觉得歌剧很乏味。/ It's boring to sit on the plane with nothing to read. 坐在飞机上没东西可读真是无聊。】<相关记忆No.2121 bore>

4316. instrumental:/ˌɪn.strəˈmen.t̬əl/ adj.起重要作用的;有帮助的【He was instrumental in bringing about an end to the conflict. 他在终止冲突的过程中起了重要作用。】;用乐器演奏的,为乐器谱写的【instrumental music 器乐曲】 <相关记忆No.3746 instrument>

4317. chef:/ʃef/ n.(酒店或餐馆的)厨师;(尤指)厨师长,大厨,主厨【He is one of the top chefs in Italy. 他是意大利的顶级厨师之一。】

4318. enhance:/ɪnˈhæns/ v.提高;增加;增强;增进【These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation. 这些丑闻可不会提高这个组织的声誉。】

4319. enhancement:/ɪnˈhænsmənt/ n.提高;增加;增强

4320. gossip:/ˈɡɒs.ɪp/, /ˈɡɑːsɪp/ n.(有关别人隐私的)流言蜚语,闲言碎语,闲聊【Don't believe all the gossip you hear. 别对那些道听途说都信以为真。/ He spent the first hour talking gossip. 他头一个小时都在闲聊。】;爱说长道短的人;喜欢散布流言蜚语的人【She's a terrible gossip. 她是个很要命的长舌妇。】;v.(对别人的隐私)说长道短,传播流言蜚语【Stop gossiping and do your work. 别再闲扯了,继续干点活去。】

  • 雨林梓


    峻卿先生 回复 @雨林梓: 有呀,是不是手机的平台有bug,重启喜马看看?