艾玛·沃森 | 自述电影中的自己

艾玛·沃森 | 自述电影中的自己


Tell us about your new film NOAH. 跟我们谈谈你参演的新电影《诺亚》吧。

NOAH is a Darren Aronofsky fim, it’s coming out in March. And it’s based, obviously, on a biblical story of Noah, but it’s still really a Darren-story. And he’s made this sort of very old, very short story actually. Something that feels very modern and current.


What attracted you to your character Ila? 伊拉这个角色哪点吸引你?

She’s a very conflicted character, and she has tough decisions to make. She’s very vulnerable, she’s very pure, she’s very naive, she’s also very strong. And I found that sort of that conflict interesting.


What trait of hers is the least like you? 她的性格中哪点最不像你?

I guess, I wouldn’t choose to wear dreadlocks. I wouldn’t...That wouldn’t be a choice that I would make.


Being that April is our GENIUS issue...What’s the least genius thing you’ve done recently? 作为四月GENIUS特刊明星,你最近做过的“最不明智”的事情是什么?

I was near the recently and I decided it that would be a good idea to do a handstand in a party dress, felt very smart...No, I mean that’s it. What do you want me to say?


So...how genius is Hermione Granger? 那么...赫敏有多天才?

I feel like she’s very important not just because she’s smart, but because she told girls that it was okay to be slightly bossy, that it was okay to be studious and slightly nerdy.


What about Nicki in The Bling Ring? 那《珠光宝气》中的妮基呢?

That’s a different kind of smart. It’s slightly Machiavellian I guess. She’s a chess player. She sees her moves, I think, a few moves ahead. Or, I mean, it really depends on how you view the character. But I always though, Nicki, underneath her, was a smart girl. She wasn’t just an opportunist, I think.


Lastly, Emma Watson in This Is The End? 最后,我们来谈谈《世界末日》中的艾玛·沃森。

Er, Smart, in the sense that she grabs that axe. And she’s not gonna let anyone get in her way. I think there was a line that got cut from the movie which is” I’ve been living off McDonald’s ketchup packets.” She’s a bad-ass survivor.


You graduate from Brown this May, what fueled your decision to pursue a college degree? 你五月份就要从布朗大学毕业了,是什么促使你决定去上大学的呢?

I started working when I was nine years old, I think I hope that there will always be a time for me to work, but this time in my life to be able to really study and learn about myself and learn about the world around me was a really important thing to do. And I really really glad that I made time for it and space in my life for it. I’m in English Literature major, so I graduate in May. So exciting.


  • QueenGirl

    超爱艾玛鸭~超爱你哟 赫敏也爱喔💛💓

  • 科大史泰龙


  • 桃子阿布
