082 Level 3 动物保护-跟读版

082 Level 3 动物保护-跟读版


1. People are often blind to the cruelty involved in the leather industry. 人们往往对皮革产业的残忍视而不见。

2. Human beings need to rise above the misconception that we are the top of the food chain. 人类需要破除这样的错误认知:人类是站在食物链的顶端的。

3. What most people dont know is that ivory was mostly used to make piano keys. 很多人不知情的是,象牙大部分都被用来制作钢琴琴键了。

4. Animal protection challenges longstanding social components of many cultures. 动物保护对很多文化固有的社会认知有很大的挑战。

5. There is a difference between animal welfare and animal rights that people should be aware of. 动物福祉和动物权利之间是有差别的。大家应该了解。

6. There is no excuse for anyone to use animals such as rats and monkeys for medical experiments. 无论什么理由天花乱坠,都不应该拿动物,比如耗子和猴子做医学实验。

7. Its such a shame that many innocent animals are murdered simply because some people want to eat their meat. 很多无辜的动物被谋杀的原因很简单:就是有人想吃它们的肉,这简直太令人遗憾了。

8. If you can minimize your own impact on the lives of animals, and encourage your friends to do the same, you will be making a big difference. 如果每个人都能最大化减少对动物生活的影响,同时也鼓励自己的朋友这样做,那么事情就会有不同的结果。

9. We have every reason to care about animals the way we care about ourselves. 像关爱自己一样去关爱动物是非常有必要的。

10.Dr. Jane Goodall is widely celebrated for her scientific contributions from working with chimpanzees.  珍妮古道尔博士因为她对黑猩猩的科学贡献而在全球享誉。

