1. Bear in mind, you need to dress up in order to leave a good first impression when going to an interview. 请记住,去面试的时候,一定要穿着正式服装,这样可以给人留下一个好印象。
2. Keep telling yourself I love this job, but the world won’t end if I don’t get it. 记得提醒自己:我爱这份工作,但是我如果得不到它,世界也不会毁灭。(也没有什么了不起的)
3. What many people don’t realize is that the interview starts when you walk into the building where the interview is held. 很多人没有意识到的是,当你走进面试大楼的时候,面试过程就已经开始了。
4. My secret weapon to acing an interview is sending a thank-you letter to all of my interviewers within 24 hours of my interview. 我搞定面试的秘密是:面试结束24小时内,给所有面试官写一封致谢信。
5. It should also be noted that you should dress in appropriate business attire for an interview. 也值得一提的是:面试的时候,衣着必须得体。
6. Interviewing is only half the battle. The best way for you to be the interviewer’s #1 pick is to build up your skills and experience that set you apart from the competition.面试过程只是万里长征走完一半。想要成为面试官最心仪的候选者,必须技能过硬,经验丰富,这样才能脱颖而出。
7. Anybody who has ever been in a group interview knows it’s a bit challenging. 凡是有群面经历的人都会知道这是颇有挑战的。
8. You have to wow the interviewers in order to secure the job. 为了确保自己能得到这份工作,你需要让面试官感到惊艳。
9. If I’m hearing you correctly, this is what you’re looking for. 如果没有理解错的话,您是这个意思吧。
10. Don’t make the mistake of only addressing the most senior person at the table. 千万不要犯这个错误:只是和面试官中级别高的沟通。