1. Education can help bridge the gender gap that’s everywhere. 教育能帮助弥合无处不在的性别鸿沟。
2. No country in history has ever experienced long-term economic prosperity without at least 40% of its adult population being literate. 历史上从未有一个国家,在其成年国民文盲率高于6成状态下,能有长时间持续的经济繁华。
3. Education is more than reading, writing and math. 教育不仅仅是培训阅读,写作能力和解答数学题。
4. China has implemented historic reform to its education system. 中国开始实施颇具历史意义的教育改革措施。
5. The primary reason many people pursue higher education is to get a better job. 大众接受高等教育的首要动因是想要得到好工作。
6. There is a growing feeling today that something is wrong with our system of education. 当下大家都有共识既我们的教育体系有问题。
7. How far can you go by following instructions alone in today’s world? 在当今社会,如果只是听从命令,给人打工,一个人能有多大的发展呢?
8. Our educational system doesn’t respect a very basic fact of being human: that each one of us is unique and different. 我们的教育体系对人性的基本尊重是欠缺的:每一个人都是独一无二的个体。
9. Our educational system, which evolved from the industrial age, has become outdated. 我们的教育体系,源自工业时代,时至今日,已经落伍了。
10. Schools apparently fail all but a tiny portion of students in terms of preparing them for the challenges that lie ahead. 就帮助学生迎接未来挑战而言,我们的学校真是辜负了大多数的学生。