绝望主妇 | 精讲第34期:赌徒

绝望主妇 | 精讲第34期:赌徒



Mama Solis: "I used Carlos' credit card." 
Gabrielle: "Okay, well, how much did you charge?"

Mama Solis: "I don't know, it stopped working." 

Gabrielle: "What do you mean, it stopped working. That thing has, like, a $15,000 credit limit."

(They both look at each other with shocked expressions.)

Gabrielle: "Oh."


Gabrielle: "This is what we'll do. I'll sell some old jewelry, pay off the credit card, and Carlos will never find out!"

Mama Solis: "You would do that for me?"

Gabrielle: "Of course I would, why wouldn't I?" 

Mama Solis: "Well, for starters, you hate me."

Gabrielle: "Oh, that is overstating it ... a little. The bottom line is, no matter how much I dislike you, I love Carlos more. If Carlos finds out about the money, he'll be devastated. I don't want to see him hurt. You don't have to believe I'm a good person, but at least believe I care about my husband."

(Mama Solis just stares at her.) 

Gabrielle: "Fine, to heck with it. I'm not gonna risk my neck to protect you. I'm calling Carlos."

Mary Alice Voiceover:"Juanita might have been the gambler of the family."

Mama Solis: "Wait, I believe you."

Mary Alice Voiceover:"But Gabrielle was the one who knew how to bluff."

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  • dfbadfbad


  • 34x64966m0815


  • 1349681ugkg


  • Katene


  • 佳卓Jessy

    1. pay off the credit card 还清信用卡 2. for starters 首先,相当于firstly 3.overstate 夸大 4.stare at 盯着 5. bottom line 底线 6.be devastated 摧毁的(精神上的) 7.to heck(hell) with it 淑女版本表示愤怒 shit shoot 同理 8. risk my neck to protect somebody 冒险保护某人 9.bluff 虚张声势

  • 我爱狗狗啊

    charge记账,pay off还清,for starters 首先,overstate 夸大 ,the bottom line 底线,devastate 摧毁,to heck with it,愤怒的心情,risk sb’s neck 拖累,bluff 虚张声势

  • 王春伟_8d


  • tian0435

    The bottom line devastate bluff

  • 天天向上_ryc


  • 初次印象_zt
