46 The New Baby 新生宝宝

46 The New Baby 新生宝宝


The New Baby 

Dad said:"We have a new baby and she's coming home today."

I got out my ball and bat and all my favorite games to show to the baby.

I found my favorite picture book and read it out loud to the baby.

But the new baby didn't pay any attention to me.

She cried a lot... even when I told her my best joke.

I made my funniest face ever and she cried even louder.

I tried to dress her but she was too wiggly and floppy.

And sometimes she smelled funny and Mom had to change her.

So what can you do with a new baby?

Mom says we can cuddle her...

...and rock her to sleep.

We can tickle her tummy and make her laugh...

...or give her a rattle to play with.

I can give her my finger to grab...

...and let her pull my nose.

I can take her for a walk and show her to my friends.

They think I'm so lucky.

  • 1856260zatf


    石志洋_行者 回复 @1856260zatf: 是女的!

  • 母乃


  • 石志洋_行者


  • HP巫师小娜

    Come on的喂

  • HP巫师小娜


  • 可可四班
