How does a dinosaur go to school? 恐龙是怎样上学的? Does he walk? 是走路去的吗? Does he ride in a busy car pool? 还是搭忙碌的汽车去的? Does he drag his long tail? 他会拖着尾巴吗? Is he late for the bus? 他会赶不上巴士吗? Does he stomp all four feet? 他会跺着四只脚吗? Does he make a big fuss? 他会大吵大闹吗? When he gets to the school 当他去学校的时候 Does he play fight and punch? 他会你推我搡,跟别人打架吗? Does he make a quick grab for a classmates’ packed lunch? 他会抢同班同学打包的午餐吗? Does he race up the stairs right ahead of the bell? 他会在铃响之前冲向楼梯吗? Does he interrupt class with his own show-and-tell? 他会打断同学,自顾自地讲自己的故事吗? Does a dinosaur yell? 恐龙会大叫吗? And when in the classroom, 当它在教师的时候, plonked down in his chair, does a dinosaur fidget, his tail in the air? 它会“扑通”一声坐下来,尾巴朝上,在椅子上动个不停吗? Does he growl during chalk talks, or roar out of turn? 他会在上课的时候低声说话,或者乱吼乱叫吗? Does he make it too hard for the others to learn? 他会弄得别人没办法学习吗? Does he stir up the classroom by making a noise? 他的噪音会把教室弄的一团糟吗? Does he tease all the girls? 他会逗弄所有的女孩吗? Does he pick on the boys? 会找男孩们的茬吗? No…不…… A dinosaur carefully raises his hand. 恐龙会小心翼翼地举手。 He helps out his classmates with projects they’ve planed. 他会帮助同班同学完成计划的任务。 At recess he plays with a number of friends and growls at the bullies till bullying ends. 课间休息的时候,他会跟很多朋友们一起玩,如果有人欺负别人,他会大声吼叫,直到那人停止。
He tidies his desk, then he leaps out the door. 他会把桌子擦干净,然后跳到门外。 Good work. 做的好棒。 Good work, little dinosaur. 做的真棒,小恐龙。
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