


Daily Life ‐ Small Talk 5 ‐ Brief Talk With A Stranger (C0319)
Older gentle- man: Oh dear Miss, you are soaked! Wow, it’s really raining heavily outside.
Michelle: Yes, it sure is. I had to run here from work! I need to rush as I’m on my lunch break.
Older gentle- man: ell please, why don’t you go ahead of
me in line? I’m in no hurry.
Michelle: Oh, that’s so nice of you! Thank you very much.
Older gentle- man: My pleasure Miss. Actually, could you recommend what to eat here? I’ve never been here before.
Michelle: Sure. Well, the avocado sandwich is delicious, and it’s the healthiest thing on the menu. Personally, I think the beef salad is the tastiest choice. I usually get that. Also, the milkshakes are the best milkshakes in town!
Older gentle- man: Well, thanks for the suggestions. Michelle: Oh, don’t mention it.

  • 1866752fqut


  • 英语天天见ABC

    You are Soked 你湿透了/I am in no hurry/thats so nice of you/don't mention it/Yes,it sure is/I had to run here from work

  • Airs福


    英语天天见ABC 回复 @Airs福: 点进度条左下角的 播放列表,选择单曲循环

  • 英语天天见ABC

    You are Soaked

  • 不再羡仙


  • 阿胖宋

    avocado 牛油果

  • 英语天天见ABC

    Gluten free,dairy free

  • 大龙王_y0


  • 鼹鼠的地下宫殿

    My pleasure. Don't mention it .You are welcome.

  • 13946578jok

    really really good stuff for you