


Global View ‐ Allergies (C0318)
Jim: Argh...I feel terrible, I keep sneezing and my eyes are all watery, what’s wrong with me?
Tom: Wow, you’re not dying are you, it looks like you have a cold, you should take some medicine.
Jim: I don’t think it’s a cold, I feel fine if I move a few feet away from my desk.
Tom: Maybe we should put you into quarantine ha ha, jokes aside, I think you might have an allergy.
Jim: An allergy? I never thought about that, I don’t think I’m allergic to pollen though and I’m desensitized to bee stings after being stung so many times, Hmm.. .
Jim: Ow! Why did you chuck that peanut at me? Tom: Just checking if you’re allergic to peanuts, I guess not.
Jim: Not funny! I could have gone into Anaphylactic Shock.
Tom: Okay my bad, how about dust? This office is full of it.
Jim: Yes the whole is office is dusty yet I only feel affected near our desks!
Cat: Meow meow meow
Jim: You brought your cat into the office?!
Tom: Yes, it’s Mr Snuffle’s birthday today, I didn’t want him to be alone on his special day!
Jim: ACHOO! Argh put it away ACHOO!
Tom: I guess we found the problem, your allergic to cats!

  • 独立思考528


  • 南山陲0

    lactose intolerant 乳糖不耐受

  • Hqx清新芳香

    Is there anyone else just like me that’s still been learning this englishpod so far?

    1357880wslv 回复 @Hqx清新芳香: sure, this is the best one I've ever heard!

  • 英语天天见ABC

    Allergy,allergies 过敏源; be allergic to 对。。过敏;my eyes are watery;keep sneezing(sneeze for a few times);quarantine检疫;pollen花粉;jokes aside...;chuck=throw away ;go into shock = physical reation(eg: the doctor said:He is going into shock!) ;put it away

  • 单斧子蜈蚣精


  • 不再羡仙

    哈哈哈 Katherine模仿的好像 阿~啾(´▽`)ノ♪

  • 鼹鼠的地下宫殿

    desensitize/sensitize 脱敏的

  • _prt_

    chuck 扔

  • 大龙王_y0


  • 大龙王_y0
