


The Weekend ‐ Ordering Drinks (C0312)
A: What Can I get you?
B: I’ll have a Cosmo please.
C: Dude! You can’t order a Cosmo! That’s a ladies drink, you’re embarrasing me!
B: What are you talking about? It’s a good drink!
C: It’s too soft! Order something with a little more kick to it!
B: Fine! I’ll have a sex on the beach.
C: You have to be kidding me!
B: Come on! It’s delicious! Especially when served in a pineapple or coconut.
C: Forget it, I’m ordering for you. I’ll have a Scotch on the rocks and my friend here will have a Manhattan. Put it on my tab. Here now this is a real drink!
B: That’s strong! This is going to get me wasted!
C: That’s the idea!

  • 英语天天见ABC

    Cosmo (mix with vodka) /Sex on the beach/ ladies drink / girly drink/ Scotch / Rum on the rocks( alcohol without anything to mix with ) /bitters ( ingredient in the drink )/ Manhattan( a cocktail made with whiskey and sweet vermouth with a dash of bitters) It's too soft/ kick/ put it on my tab

  • 文撕墨客

    on the rock加冰的

  • 不再羡仙

    第一遍时把我听的一愣一愣的😅突然听到 I'll have a sex on the beach 我想外国怎么这么奔放的(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

  • 英语天天见ABC

    I'm wasted= im drunk

  • 乌苏遇上金龙泉


  • 聆听好声音_

    你不醉我不醉 我们怎么有机会🥴

    流浪非洲 回复 @聆听好声音_: 人才

  • 挪威森林777


  • 阿胖宋

    This is going to get me wasted = being drunk

  • 慧心可安


  • 天富汇达
