


The Office ‐ Sorry I’m Late (C0311)
Maggie Gao: Okay everyone, shall we begin?
Bill: Sorry Maggie, but we are missing a few people. Can we hang on a sec?
Maggie Gao: Well, I did say eleven o’clock sharp, and it’s now five past so. . . .
James: Hi everyone, I’m so sorry I’m late. It’s raining cats and dogs outside and I had to wait ages for a taxi.
Maggie Gao: Okay James, take a seat quickly please. Right, the subject ofthe meeting is.
Sally: Hi guys. Please excuse me ,I was held up in traffic.
Maggie Gao: Right, as I was saying the subject ofthe m. . .
Bruno: Hi Maggie. I’m terribly sorry. The traffic is murder out there.
Maggie Gao: Sit down Bruno! Okay now, as you are aware, the topic for this meeting is ‘The importance of being punctual’. Who would like to start?

  • 英语天天见ABC

    I’m so sorry I’m late. It’s raining cats and dogs outside and I had to wait ages for a taxi.

  • 流浪非洲

    怎么感觉后面的课越来越简单了? 难度不是循序渐进的

    达也那些慵懒美好的日 回复 @流浪非洲: 我也有这个感觉

  • vampire_2s

    raining cats and dogs下大雨,the expression comes from Norse mythology.cats were supposed to have influence over weather, dogs were the signals of storm

  • 骑着乌龟的小蜗牛

    I have to wait ages for a taxi

  • 英语天天见ABC

    Please excuse me ,I was held up in traffic. I’m terribly sorry. The traffic is murder out there.

  • 小头呼呼


  • 鼹鼠的地下宫殿

    It's raining cats and dogs outside.

  • 天富汇达


  • 达也那些慵懒美好的日

    I'm always punctual.

  • 哈哈哈呦0
