7.3 热门:美国一州发大闸蟹通缉令

7.3 热门:美国一州发大闸蟹通缉令


听音频打卡,赢奖品!我们《英美外籍为你读新闻》栏目微信打卡社群《60天连听英语“磨耳”大作战》活动开始啦!报名时间截止到2018年7月31日,想要参加的小伙伴,欲知活动详情,请微信搜索我们的公众号:ChinaDaily_CN 或 CDW读者俱乐部。

Crabs wanted dead or alive

Maryland officials are asking anyone out on the water to keep an eye out for an invasive species known as the Chinese Mitten Crab. The animal first made an appearance in the US in the 1980s and has come and gone since then. It has also been spotted in the Cheasapeake Bay over the years. 

The crab is known to disrupt ecosystems and eat fish eggs, proving to be a threat to other crab species. With its distinct claws that appear to be furry or covered in algae and a light brown or olive green body, they can grow up to 10 cm wide. 

The animals can also be found in both freshwater and saltwater. Anyone who spots one should not throw it back into the water, but put it on ice or freeze it, take photos and note the location where it was found, officials say. All sightings should be submitted to the Mitten Crab website.

Music boosts language skills

Giving children music lessons won't just introduce them to a world of rhythm and melody – it could also significantly improve their language skills. While numerous studies have shown that learning an instrument can impact things like language ability, it wasn't understood if this was a side effect of a general boost to cognitive skills, or something that directly affected language processing. 

Now, we are getting closer to an answer, thanks to a study of 74 Chinese kindergarten children, led by neuroscientist Robert Desimone from MIT. "The children didn't differ in the more broad cognitive measures, but they did show some improvements in word discrimination, particularly for consonants," Desimone said. 
如今,得益于麻省理工学院的神经系统科学家罗伯特•德西蒙的一项调查研究,我们离答案又近了一步。 该研究涵盖了中国幼儿园的74名儿童。德西蒙说:"学乐器的孩子和其他孩子在广义的认知能力上没有差别,但他们确实在辨字尤其是辨认声母这方面更胜一筹。

"The piano group showed the best improvement there. That's a big thing for kids in learning language: being able to hear the differences between words," Desimone said. "They really did benefit from that."

Tea table flipping contest

The Japanese are no strangers to unusual competitions, so it makes sense that they've found a way to turn a rage-induced reaction like flipping a table into an annual contest. On June 16, a shopping mall in Japan's Iwata Prefecture hosted the 12th annual World Chabudai-Gaeshi Tournament, an offbeat competition where participants try to flip a small tea table as far as possible. 

The premise is pretty simple: anyone can sign up for the competition, from young children to the elderly, and the goal is to flip the small wooden tea table as hard as possible to send the fake food on top of it flying as far as possible. 

Most people channel their rage and frustrations, shouting all kinds of things, like "I want a job offer" or "I deserve a raise", but any emotion is acceptable. This year's winner, a member of the Iwate Big Bulls basketball team, channeled the love for his team, yelling "Go Big Bulls!" and sending the plastic fish flying 8.29 meters.

SpaceX launches AI robot

On friday morning, SpaceX load its 15th cargo mission to the International Space Station for NASA, sending up nearly 6,000 pounds of supplies on top of its Falcon 9 rocket. 

On board the vehicle are shipments of food and water for the six astronauts living on the ISS, as well as new science experiments and technologies to be tested out in microgravity. Within that haul the first ever AI robot "crew member" to live on the station is also included. 

The robot's name is CIMON - for Crew Interactive Mobile Companion - and it looks a bit like a volleyball with a computer screen on one side. The screen displays a simplified cartoon face that the bot will use to interact with the humans on the ISS. 

And to maneuver around, CIMON is equipped with 14 internal fans that propel the white ball, by sucking in the station's air and expelling it to move in whatever direction it needs. Airbus developed CIMON for Germany's national space agency, and the goal is to see whether intelligent bots can cooperate with astronauts to simplify work life in space. 

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