A 12-year-old French boy has broken the record for crossing the English Channel in a small children's sailing dinghy. Tom Goron set sail from the Isle of Wight at 05:00 local time on Wednesday and arrived in France 14 hours and 20 minutes later. He broke the previous record set by 15-year-old Violette Dorange in 2016 by 36 minutes. "I'm proud of him," his mother said after he completed the feat. "He is stubborn, ambitious and perseverant."
break the record: 打破记录
dinghy: n. 小划艇
set sail: 出海
feat: n. 功绩
stubborn: adj. 固执的
ambitious: adj. 有志向的
perseverant: adj. 坚持不懈的
1. 每个意群示范7遍
2. 在每次语音示范后,会留出足够的空白时间供各位进行跟读和练习。
1. 小伙伴们需要先掌握生词的发音方式和规律(练习耗时,因人而异)
2. 再通过先单词后意群的方式跟随暴虐版进行练习
3. 通过反复的朗读,让口腔肌肉熟悉且记住意群的流利和滑动感,不断提升自己语音语调,连读技巧,意群的把握。