Elementary ‐Daily Life ‐ Facial Hair (C0223)
Officer: Ok Sally, we have an artist here to help us.
Brown: We’ll ask you questions about the bank robber you saw and Paul will draw a picture. Are you ready?
Sally: Yes, hmmm. Well, he had brown hair. . .long hair. . . and he had some facial hair. . . was brown, too.
Officer: Good! Ok, the facial hair, was it a beard or a
Brown: mustache?
Sally: Both! His mustache was very short and thin, . . . . on the top of his lip.
Paul: un-uh hmmm.. . , like this?
Sally: Yes, that’s the mustache! But the beard isn’t right, mean, it didn’t cover his whole face. . . . think it was just on his chin.
Officer: A goatee? Was it like Paul’s?
Sally: Ah yes, that’s it, he had a goatee.........
Paul: Ok, what about sideburns? Did he have sideburns?
Sally: Um, they were long and thick, yours!
Paul: Alright, was this the man you saw?
Sally: Yes, that’s him! Hmmmmm, he looks a lot like you.
Officer: Hmmm, why yes he does. Paul, where were
Brown: you on Friday afternoon?
Paul: What? That’s ridiculous! It wasn’t me! I didn’t do anything.
Marco 提到的那位山羊胡子的是谁?
beard mustache facial hair goatee 山羊胡 sideburn 鬓角
柳叶青子 回复 @聆听好声音_: I wasn't over there 后面的实在听不清。
胖子李春晓 回复 @蛮小鱼oO: Santa Claus