



  • 流浪非洲

    Intel 情报 Mole 内线 Snoop 打探 Heist 盗窃 Moth ball 卫生球 Slammer 监狱 Fellas 伙计 Hitch 障碍

    润东听书 回复 @流浪非洲: 谢谢你

  • 沧海小水珠


    淡然_dvg 回复 @沧海小水珠: 外国也这样说话,不可思议

  • _prt_

    Sammy: Alright, let’s run through this one more time from the top. I will be positioned here, across from the bank on this park bench. Now, according to the intel we got from Jimmy. Ralph: ah, who’s Jimmy? Sammy: Jeez Ralph! Pay attention, will ya? Jimmy’s our mole, you know. the guy on the inside. He’s been snooping and passing on the info to us so we can pull this heist off! Frankie: Yea, Ralph, clean the moth balls outta your ears and listen up. This here is important , you don’t wanna end up back in the slammer, do ya? Your role is pretty important here, we’re depending on you, man.

  • vampire_2s

    Raph听声音就像个憨憨,蠢蛋一枚,Marcho说不知道为啥名字叫raph的总是那种不太聪明的人,而且总是把事情搞砸用了messing thing up,.女主用的是另一个词screwed up也是把事情搞砸了。let's find out what Raph screwed up.

  • vampire_2s

    Marco又用了'colloquial '口语的,非正式的。colloquilism口语,白话,colloquial English 英语口语。colloquial is an adjective which is used in or suitable for speech and not formal writing .synonym :conversational,informal,nonliterary,unliterary,vernacular,vulgar.an explanation from webster thesaurus

  • _prt_

    Ralph: Ok, ok! I’m listening! moth balls, hrumph. . . Sammy: Alright then, . . . . was I? Oh yeah, ok, so I’ll be the lookout. . . . here on the bench across from the bank. Nobody moves until I give the go-ahead, Alright? And what’s the goahead? . . . Ralph? Ralph: You, umm. . . ah. . . . yeah, you’ll take off your hat and scratch your head! Sammy: Right. When I take my hat off and scratch my head, you do what? Ralph: I get in the box.

  • _prt_

    Sammy: Money, Ralph! Money! Ralph: Oh man, I knew I forgot something. . . . . . .

  • _prt_

    Frankie: Right, you get in the box. I’ll make sure it’s all sealed and then, posing as a delivery guy, I’ll drop off a ‘special package’ for the manager. Now, according to Jimmy, the bank manager is leaving early on Tuesday ’cause it’s his wedding anniversary. He and the wife are having a romantic rendezvous in the country, so any packages delivered will be left unopened in his office until he gets back late on Wednesday. . . . Sammy: . . . . . . Which gives us access to his office for at least Come hours. . . . Ralph, this is where you come in. . . . where are you?

  • 听友73986109

    再坚持两个星期 就全部听完了

    听友61971953 回复 @听友73986109: 回复@GenerationIron 英语能力有什么变化?

  • GuardSs


    vampire_2s 回复 @GuardSs: 这那是越狱故事?是盗窃银行,最后没成,演练的好好的,最后还是被Raph搞砸了,白钻快递箱了,最后没拿钱就出来了。气的老大Sammy 要吐血了