

Elementary ‐ The Weekend ‐ 1980’s (C0114)
A: Jim! What’s up man!
B: Charlie! Is that your ride? It’s butt ugly, dude!
A: Don’t be a airhead! This is a nineteen sixty-nine Chevy Impala! I just need to fix it up a bit. In a couple of months, this baby is gonna be wicked!
B: Not even! Check it out! Now that’s a fresh ride!
A: Too bad the driver is a major dweeb. Anyone can have a car like that if their daddy is loaded like his.
B: He’s coming this way, be cool.
C: Hey guys! What do you think of my automobile? Isn’t it bad to the bone?
A: Word! The ladies are gonna be lining up to get with you when they see you driving around in that car.
C: You really think so?
B: For sure!
C: Awesome!
A: Psych! haha.. you totally fell for it.
C: You are a real scumbag, Charlie. When I do the nasty with the prom queen, we’ll see who has the last laugh.
B: Dude, don’t have a cow!

  • 幸福吗ni

    起源上世纪50年代 原意是痛苦苦恼像给一个牛接生一样. 这个句式是因为辛普森一家这个动漫流行起来的 Don't have a cow 意思是别难过.

  • 新页展翅

    ride 指 car: Is that your ride? 那是你的车吗? It's butt ugly. 真难看。Don't be an airhead. 不要当傻瓜。注:butt 是:”屁股”,屁股比脸蛋丑陋多了,因此,butt ugly 是:相当丑陋的意思。至于airhead, 相当于头脑里只有空气,沒有脑筋,不就是傻瓜;笨蛋或鱼木脑袋吗?'

  • 英语天天见ABC

    1.ride, 2. butt ugly 3. wicked 4. scumbag 5.dweeb 6. loaded 7.get with sb 8. psych 9.fall for it 10.we’ll see who has the last laugh. 11.don’t have a cow

  • GloriaYu_圣香


  • X_Kristin

    1.loaded(very rich) 2.butt ugly(very ugly) 3.airhead 笨蛋,没脑子 you are such an airhead 4.major dweeb 5.bad to the bone(super cool) 6.do the nasty(have sex with sb-rude/direct) get with you(usual) 7.scumbag避孕套,人渣

  • 六个月攻克英语010120

    Practice makes perfect.

  • 大龙王_y0


  • Michael_aj


  • MK508


  • MK508
