

Elementary‐The Office‐You MissedTheDeadline! (C0116)
A: And so, I just wanted to check in with you and find out where we are with this project. As you know, you’ve missed a fairly significant deadline last week, and this will negativity impact the team’s ability to move forward with the next stages of this project.
B: I know, I’m really sorry that I missed the deadline. But really, it wasn’t my fault. You see, we had all of these unexpected technical problems at the last minute, and that I couldn’t get into the database and extract the kind of information that I needed for the data analyis. You know, if the tech guys would have done their job and kept the CRM stable, then I wouldn’t have missed my deadline.
A: Oh, come on! An excuse like that is tantamount to lying. You’re essentially blaming the tech team for your time management issues, rather than accepting responsibility for the fact that you were procrastinating for the past two weeks.
B: No, I’m not trying to pass the buck here; I know that it was me who is ultimately responsible for getting this done. But the thing is, I could have finished on time if the system hadn’t gone down. And you know, with everything I’ve got going on now, I can’t afford to waste time dealing with technical problems. I’ve got a lot on my plate and there are only twenty-four hours in a day...
A: I’m not going to accept this excuse. You’re using these small technical glitches as a crutch and trying to rationalize the fact that you’ve missed your deadline. Look, we have standards and I expect you to live up to those standards. No more phoney excuses. If you’re in over your head, you tell me. No more missed deadlines. Now, I want that data on my desk by 9 am!

  • 幸福吗ni

    是:pass the buck. Buck原意是雄鹿,但是这里指刀柄是鹿角做成的猎刀。在早年美国西部这种猎刀几乎人手一把。牌桌的规矩是轮流做庄发牌。打完一付牌就轮到坐在发牌人左边的那位发。为了不搞错,人们就在牌桌上传递一把猎刀帮助记忆。每人发完牌就把猎刀传给下一个发牌人。也就是pass the buck,意思是把发牌的责任交给他了。如今习惯用语pass the buck企业主管在为手下人工作不力而生气。

  • Kayla26


    LeonStruggle 回复 @Kayla26: Y应该是 stop using weight as crutch

  • 英语天天见ABC

    1.procrastinate=postpone 2.tantamount to doing = the same as doing 3.pass the buck =pass the blame 4.glitch =bug=small problems 5.crutch 拐杖 6.phoney excuses: phoney =fake 7.rationalize使合理化

  • 乌苏遇上金龙泉


  • 法皇_Hy


    乐乐呀HA 回复 @法皇_Hy: 难道非要发评论告诉大家自己坚持到哪儿了?

  • 1863761qmzg


  • 乌苏遇上金龙泉

    in over your head 力不从心

  • 奕品儿


  • 巧克力味的香菜


  • 达也那些慵懒美好的日


    岁月风甘了记忆 回复 @达也那些慵懒美好的日: 看了妳好多评论