Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Mobile Phone Plan (C0106)
A: Hi there, can I help you?
B: Yeah, I’ve just moved here, and I’d like to activate my cell phone, and I’m not sure if I should go with a prepaid plan, or a monthly rate plan.
A: I see. Well, can I have a look at your phone?Unfortunately, this phone can’t be used in the US; it’s not compatible with our 3G network.
B: What? Really? I don’t really want to have to buy a new phone.
A: Well, you’re in luck! You see, if you sign up for our three-year plan, we’ll throw in a handset for free.
B: Really? What’s the catch?
A: There’s no catch! You just choose a plan, sign a three-year contract and, that’s it! Actually, we’re running a special promotion right now, and we’re giving away a Blackberry Curve with our special Mega Value forty dollar plan.
B: So what does this plan include?
A: Well, you get nine hundred anytime minutes, and you can also enjoy free mobile to mobile calling to other Tel-Mobile clients, one thousand text messages per month, and unlimited evening and weekend minutes. Oh, and we also offer a rollover option.
B: Wow, all this for forty dollars per month?
A: That’s right, plus the activation fee, the emergancy services fee, the monthly service fee, oh, and any charges for extra minutes, and..
prepaid:paid before Monthly rate plan:pay once a month Activate:make the bank count /softwares/ credit card work Handset:phone Rollover:move to following month Compatible:work will with sth else Throw in sth Catch It’s interesting though the difference culture with the way we use the phone
if you buy this house, we 'll throw. in a dog for free
catch 应该是隐形消费或套路吧
他说的是 是screen your calls吗?
挑子 回复 @平安喜乐115: screen the phone点亮屏幕
It's also very rude to answer the phone during a meeting.
桃之夭夭_2c 回复 @n次方_ug: 你听懂了吗?人家说的是这种现象在中国正常,可能是因为我们电话没有语音信箱功能。这就觉得人家批评未免有点玻璃心。
1.prepaid plan 2.monthly rate plan 3.activate(make in work启动,激活) 4.what's the catch? 5.compatible with
Prepaid plan & monthly rate plan To activate : make it work for the 1st before you use it Run a Promotion: 正在进行一个升级计划 What’s the catch:有什么条件?限制? Throw sth in for free= include for free a handset = 手提设备 mobile Roll over=move over 叠加到下个周期 Fee: money for a servirs compatible 适配 To be in luck: 常用语第二人称 u are in luck , I have it
1. activate:激活 2.handset=phone 3.rollover:上月剩余套餐可累计到下月使用,顺延 4.what's the catch?:条件是什么? 有什么要求?代价是什么? 5.throw in sth. :If you buy this house,I'll throw in a dog for free.