


Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Mobile Phone Plan (C0106)

A: Hi there, can I help you? 

B: Yeah, I’ve just moved here, and I’d like to activate my cell phone, and I’m not sure if I should go with a prepaid plan, or a monthly rate plan.
A: I see. Well, can I have a look at your phone?Unfortunately, this phone can’t be used in the US; it’s not compatible with our 3G network.
B: What? Really? I don’t really want to have to buy a new phone.
A: Well, you’re in luck! You see, if you sign up for our three-year plan, we’ll throw in a handset for free.
B: Really? What’s the catch?
A: There’s no catch! You just choose a plan, sign a three-year contract and, that’s it! Actually, we’re running a special promotion right now, and we’re giving away a Blackberry Curve with our special Mega Value forty dollar plan.
B: So what does this plan include?
A: Well, you get nine hundred anytime minutes, and you can also enjoy free mobile to mobile calling to other Tel-Mobile clients, one thousand text messages per month, and unlimited evening and weekend minutes. Oh, and we also offer a rollover option.
B: Wow, all this for forty dollars per month?
A: That’s right, plus the activation fee, the emergancy services fee, the monthly service fee, oh, and any charges for extra minutes, and..

  • 阿胖宋

    1. activate:激活 2.handset=phone 3.rollover:上月剩余套餐可累计到下月使用,顺延 4.what's the catch?:条件是什么? 有什么要求?代价是什么? 5.throw in sth. :If you buy this house,I'll throw in a dog for free.

  • BeckiLiuuu

    prepaid:paid before Monthly rate plan:pay once a month Activate:make the bank count /softwares/ credit card work Handset:phone Rollover:move to following month Compatible:work will with sth else Throw in sth Catch It’s interesting though the difference culture with the way we use the phone

  • vampire_2s

    if you buy this house, we 'll throw. in a dog for free

  • 咪咪读新概念

    catch 应该是隐形消费或套路吧

  • 平安喜乐115

    他说的是 是screen your calls吗?

    挑子 回复 @平安喜乐115: screen the phone点亮屏幕

  • 金鑫使者

    It's also very rude to answer the phone during a meeting.

  • n次方_ug


    桃之夭夭_2c 回复 @n次方_ug: 你听懂了吗?人家说的是这种现象在中国正常,可能是因为我们电话没有语音信箱功能。这就觉得人家批评未免有点玻璃心。

  • X_Kristin

    1.prepaid plan 2.monthly rate plan 3.activate(make in work启动,激活) 4.what's the catch? 5.compatible with

  • 巧克力味的香菜


  • 赤鸢南归

    Prepaid plan & monthly rate plan To activate : make it work for the 1st before you use it Run a Promotion: 正在进行一个升级计划 What’s the catch:有什么条件?限制? Throw sth in for free= include for free a handset = 手提设备 mobile Roll over=move over 叠加到下个周期 Fee: money for a servirs compatible 适配 To be in luck: 常用语第二人称 u are in luck , I have it