‘You fear, I suppose, that it might lead to his detection?’ asked thelawyer.
‘No,’ said the other. ‘I cannot say that I care what becomes ofHyde; I am quite done with him. I was thinking of my own character,which this hateful business has rather exposed.’
Utterson ruminated awhile; he was surprised at his friend’s selfishness, and yet relieved by it. ‘Well,’ said he, at last, ‘let me see theletter.’
The letter was written in an odd, upright hand and signed‘Edward Hyde’: and it signified, briefly enough, that the writer’s benefactor, Dr Jekyll, whom he had long so unworthily repaid for athousand generosities, need labour under no alarm for his safety ashe had means of escape on which he placed a sure dependence. Thelawyer liked this letter well enough; it put a better colour on theintimacy than he had looked for; and he blamed himself for some ofhis past suspicions.
‘Have you the envelope?’ he asked.
‘I burned it,’ replied Jekyll, ‘before I thought what I was about.But it bore no postmark. The note was handed in.’
‘Shall I keep this and sleep upon it?’ asked Utterson.
‘I wish you to judge for me entirely,’ was the reply. ‘I have lostconfidence in myself.’
1. 词根liev/lev 举、升
relieve=re+liev+e 减轻
elevator=e+lev+ator 电梯
2. 词根tect 遮挡
detection=de+tect+ion 侦查
3. 词根pos 放置
expose=ex+pos+e 揭露
4. 词根fact 做
benefactor=bene+fact+or 行善积德之人
5. 词根spic 看
suspicion=su(s)+spic+ion 怀疑
1. bear:显示
2. means:方法
弹琴的杰克 回复 @喃方_FM: 认真学了吗?
3.8万人订阅,播放才45次,希望我们大家要坚持认真听读学习才能激励孙老师加紧更新!!!形成良性循环。 打卡!打卡!打卡!
‘Shall I keep this and sleep upon it?~~这句话的意思应该是:我把这封信拿走好好研究一下好吗?sleep upon sth 的意思应该是“仔细考虑” 。