1. ache: a hurting to ##2. x-ray: a picture of your bones ##3. swollen: adj. bigger than normal; swell v.; swelling n. ##4. wisdom teeth: the last teeth grown in your mouth ##5. cavity: a hole in your tooth ##6. crown: the invisible part of your teeth ##7. refitted: 重整,装修; spit 吐出
maingirder 回复 @敏于行_iu: the visible part...
oh,he was screaming at the top of his lungs
8. what seems to be the problem? :What's wrong? ##9. let’s have a look: let’s look at it and see what's the problem ##10. It doesn’t look good: It's going to be a problem.
toothache/stomachache/x-ray:a picture of your bones his face is swollen:his face is bigger than normal put some ice on it,and the swelling would go down wisdom teeth:the last teeth cavity:a hole in your teeth a crown:the visible part of your teeth a filling what seems to be the problem
Toothache 牙疼 swollen肿胀的 wisdom tooth智齿 cavity 洞 空腔 crown 牙冠 refitted 整修改造 filling 填充料 lay back躺下 X-rays
奈世 回复 @我要开始修仙了: good job