7. scream at the top of my lungs: shout loudly very excited ##8. get it together: relax, calm down ##9. What /how /where /why /when the hell ##10. Oh, crap! : oh, no!!
1863089dgmf 回复 @敏于行_iu:
1.famished: very very hungry 2.sexist 1.a dumb ass: does stupid things 2.moron: who is not smart 3.a tool: useless, good for nothing 4.chill/be cool: calm down I'm chilling with friends. 1.scream at the top of my lungs 2.get it together: relax 3.what the hell 4.oh, crap! =oh, no!
文本写错了!sexiest 性感的 sexist 性别歧视
famished: very hungry sexist 性别歧视者 moron:someone who is unintelligent person dumb ass: someone who does stupid thing chill: calm down, relax ,be cool get it together: relax where the hell are you? scream at the top of my lungs: scream very loudly
1863089dgmf 回复 @Emma_snl: good
get it together means calm down,relax,puul ur emotions together and get an idea,use it when someone is emotional ,maybe crying or doing bad decisions in live
1. famished : very hungry ##2. sexist: somebody who judges people by their sex, like all men are stupid ##3. dumb ass: stupid idiot, not very intellegent ##4. moron: not smart, very unintellegent ##5. tool: you are useless, you are good for nothing. ##6. chill: be cool, relax, calm down