

Elementary ‐ Intermediate ‐ Hockey (C0055)<br> A: Hello everyone! I’m Rick Fields, and here with me is Bob Copeland.<br> B: Howdy folks, and welcome to today’s game! You know, Rick, today is a key game between Russia and Canada. As you know, the winner will move on to the finals.<br> A: That’s right, and it looks like we’re just about ready to start the match. The ref is calling the players for the face-off... and here we go! The Russians win possession and immediately set up their attack! Federov gets checked hard into the boards!<br> B: Maurice Richard has the puck now, and passes it to the center. He shoots! Wow what a save by the goalie!<br> A: Alright, the puck is back in play now. Pavel Bure is on a breakaway! He is flying down the ice! The defenders can’t keep up! Slap shot! He scores<br> B: What an amazing goal!
  • 挪威森林777


    是微米呀 回复 @挪威森林777: 加油加油冲冲冲

  • 我要开始修仙了

    Hockey 曲棍球 puck 冰球 ref 裁判 face-off 开球发球 goalie 守门员 Get checked breakaway 脱逃 what a save by the goalie

  • 敏于行_iu

    1. puck : The ball is used in huckey, but it isn't a ball. ##2. a key player /goal /game: an important player /goal /game ##3. finals: the winner of the finals is the champion.

  • 敏于行_iu

    4. face-off: In the begining of a match, the two players stand face to face. ##5. check someone: hit someone with your body ##6. break away: 破门 ##7.The goalie守门员 did make the save.

    RIDDLEJOKER 回复 @敏于行_iu: beginning?

  • 晓爷爱德华

    里查德现在拿球,传到中场。射门!守门员漂亮地扑救! 冰球重新回到场上!Bure形成单刀!他滑行地相当快,防守队员根本追不上。射门!得分!

  • 雕刻时光的娃哈哈


    郭喵喵不爱吃鱼 回复 @雕刻时光的娃哈哈: breakaway. 指的是单刀突破,球员控球进攻时,在他和对方球门之间出了门将没有其他的防守球员。 board.指的是板墙挤贴,暴力将对方球员冲撞向板墙

  • 晓爷爱德华


  • ll_wawj


    Wing_Wong 回复 @ll_wawj: 是的,发生得太快的动作和很激动的表达,就是用present simple一般现在时,而后面也有说,使用现在进行时的例子,在11:11 he is flying down the ice ,因为发生的时 间长一些,所以会使用现在进行时,整集里面,我听到的也只是这两个,应该没漏

  • X_Kristin

    Puck冰球🏒 Ref裁判 Howdy folks大家好 Breakaway转守为攻 Goalie守门员 Face-off开球

  • 阿娇max
