

Elementary‐Daily Life ‐ Planning a Bank Robbery (C0056)<br> A: All right, so this is what we are going to do. I’ve carefully mapped this out, so don’t screw it up. Mr. Rabbit, you and Mr. Fox will go into the bank wearing these uniforms. We managed to get replicas of the one the guards wear when they pick up the money.<br> B: Got it.<br> C: No problem, boss.<br> A: When you get inside, tell them that you are filling in for Carl and Tom, and say that they are on another route today. Don’t lose your cool. Just act natural.<br> B: What if they want to call and confirm?<br> A: You let him.<br> C: What!?<br> A: Dont worry, we have the phones tapped, so the call will be patched through to me, and Ill pretend to be the transport company.<br> B: Ha ha, you are so clever boss!<br> A: Okay, shut up. Only take as much money as you can fit in these bags. Dont get greedy! Are you ready? Let’s go.
  • 敏于行_iu

    1. fill in for someone: take the place of someone ##2.replicas: copy; clever: smart ##3. have the phone tapped/ tap someone's phone: you can hear the conversation ##4. patch (the call) through to me/ patch me through to Carol: connoct me to another phone line

  • X福尔


    Geena_G 回复 @X福尔: 哈哈哈哈 连载

  • 一九零零_9f

    听到场景开头的音乐 little green bag 知道这集致敬昆汀电影 落水狗 !

  • 不再羡仙

    Lose your cool的example也太猛了,最后是急出母语了吗😂

  • 巧克力味的香菜


    Victor_Fu 回复 @巧克力味的香菜: boss翻译成老大更地道

  • 1359763opbu


  • 悬铃木_l3

    Boss 听起来很酷,Mr.Fox 像个狠角色,Mr.Rabbit就傻乎乎的。

  • 转山的汪星人

  • Wwwjjjjjjj

    Map out : filling in : replacing. map out: create a plan of every step. Lose your cool: lose control of your emotion. patch through to: connect to others; screw up: make mistakes;

  • X_Kristin

    Map out计划 Screw up搞糟 Fill in for临时代替 Lose one's cool发脾气 Patch through to Greedy贪婪的