1. 先理解对方的视角。 试着从对方的角度看问题:他们的感受是什么?是什么原因导致他们的行为?带着宽容的视角解读对方,可以将对抗转化为合作的机会。
2. 找准真正的问题。 冲突的本质是什么?是任务分歧、流程问题、权力争议,还是人际关系?明确根源有助于选择最佳的应对方案。
3. 确立您的目标。 是为了迅速解决问题、确保项目顺利,还是维持良好的工作关系?清晰的目标能让您在沟通中保持专注,不偏离方向。
4. 选择最佳行动方案。 有时,放下纠结可能是最好的选择,但通常通过理性沟通来直接解决问题更为有效。带着清晰的意图和恰当的沟通方式,开启对话,增进理解,从而高效化解冲突。
When conflict arises at work—for example, a rude email or a tense exchange in a meeting—it's tempting to react quickly. But immediate responses can escalatethe situation. Instead, take a moment to reflect before engaging.
Start by trying to understand the situationfrom the other person’s perspective. What are theyexperiencing, and why might they be acting this way? Generous interpretationscan shift your mindset from conflict to collaboration.
Next, identify the real issue. Is theconflict about the task, the process, authority, or a personal relationship?Pinpointing the root cause will help you identify the best next steps.
Then, determine your goal. Are you aimingfor a quick resolution, a successful project outcome, or simply maintaining aworking relationship? Knowing your primary objective will keep you focusedduring discussions.
Finally, decide how to proceed. Sometimesletting go altogether is the best option. But addressing the issue directlywith thoughtful communication is often the most effective route. To fosterunderstanding and resolve the conflict productively, be intentional with yourapproach and language as you start the conversation.